Drug Rehabs That Take Insurance in Kentucky
There is no one-size-fits-all treatment program for addiction to drugs or alcohol. When looking for a drug rehab center, it is important to find out the different types of therapy and treatment models used in treating addiction. Some centers for addiction are not set up to perform in-house detoxification so if you require medical detox, going to a facility that offers detox will be important. If you would like to go to treatment on the beach, in a more secluded and private area, that is another option to consider. Some people request to bring their dogs or cats with them to rehab. Many substance abuse rehab centers now allow pets. Faith-based programs in Kentucky are a great choice for Christian people who are struggling with addiction. There are also secular drug and alcohol rehabs available in Kentucky. Some programs that accept insurance may not be a good fit for you, while others may be exactly what you are looking for. It is sometimes beneficial for the client to go to treatment further away from home. Getting away from temptations and friends who may still be using is often better for many people. Clients who go to rehab in another state also have a harder time leaving treatment early as well. Depending on the situation, our counselors may suggest looking for substance abuse programs that are a plane flight away. Going to the best drug rehab center suited to you can give you the best chance at long-lasting recovery. Finding a rehabilitation program that will accept your insurance can have many benefits that you may not be aware of. Give us a call and we can help you determine what program would be best for your specific needs. We can help you locate treatment for addiction in your area or anywhere in the USA. To locate AA meetings, group meetings, 12-step programs, inpatient treatment, or outpatient services in your town give us a call now.
Covington, Kentucky Drug Rehabs
Elizabethtown Ky. Addiction Treatment
Florence, Kentucky Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
Georgetown, KY Substance Abuse Treatment
Lexington, Kentucky 30/90 Day Treatment Centers
Louisville, Kentucky Inpatient Drug Rehab Programs
What you will earn on this page:
* Do all drug rehab centers accept private health insurance?
* What is the difference between in-network and out-of-network?
* How to find an in-network drug rehab center in Kentucky
* Will my insurance pay for medicated detox?
* Will insurance cover all my treatment costs?
* How do I know if my insurance will pay for therapy and treatment?
*Do substance abuse and alcoholism programs accept TRICARE?
*How We Can Help
Will Insurance Cover Private Inpatient Care?
Insurance plans can differ in network types and co-payment requirements. This depends on the plan you have chosen. HMO insurance will usually only cover in-network contracted addiction treatment programs in Kentucky but will sometimes make allowances for out-of-network coverage depending on needs and recommendations from your primary care doctor. PPO insurance plans have in-network drug rehab programs that they recommend but will pay for out-of-network addiction treatment centers.
Do all drug rehab centers accept private health insurance?
What is the difference between in-network and out-of-network?
Drug rehab centers that are out-of-network are not held to the constraints of what the network will pay for and usually can offer more amenities and recovery options. Out-of-network drug rehab centers can cost a bit more out of pocket and even sometimes less than in-network insurance coverage. This will depend on the addiction treatment program you have chosen.
How to find an in-network drug rehab center in Kentucky
Will my insurance pay for a medicated detox?
Will insurance cover all my treatment costs?
Private health insurance can cover anywhere from 100% of treatment to about 60% depending on insurance plans, premiums, deductibles, and copayments. Finding an in-network drug rehab center in Kentucky can save the individual seeking treatment for an addiction a considerable amount of money in copayments and deductibles. READ MOREHow do I know if my insurance will pay for therapy and treatment?
Do substance abuse and alcoholism programs accept TRICARE?
How We Can Help
Please contact us by phone for immediate assistance. This is a necessary step in beginning the recovery process for yourself or for a loved one. Our addiction treatment specialists and staff have over 25 years of experience in helping people find effective and affordable treatment for all addictions. What you tell us is completely confidential. We are HIPAA compliant. We are here to answer your questions and to get you (or a loved one) into treatment today. For immediate intake, call us now.1-800-513-5423
LifeSkills Service Center offers treatment programs for substance abuse through its outpatient mental health clinic in Brownsville, KY. Treatment approaches can include dual diagnosis drug rehab, cognitive behavior therapy, one-on-one therapy, family/couples counseling, behavior modification, trauma-related therapy sessions, and Telemedicine therapy sessions. This outpatient drug rehab center accepts private health insurance, cash or self-payment, and most federal and state-funded insurance plans including Military insurance TriCare.
Brownsville, KY 42210
Pulaski Clinic offers outpatient drug rehabilitation programs through its mental health treatment center. Treatment for addictions is done through their outpatient drug rehab center in Somerset, Kentucky. Treatment approaches can include CBT, CMMI, motivational interviewing, brief intervention approach, 12-step facilitation approach, REBT, Trauma-related counseling sessions, and relapse prevention. Accepted payment types include private health insurance plans, cash or self-payments, Military insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare.
Somerset, KY 42501
Lourdes Behavioral Health offers a few different levels of care for handling addictions to drugs or alcohol including inpatient residential drug rehabilitation programs, outpatient drug rehab, and intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment programs for addiction. Treatment approaches can include CBT, DBT, individual psychotherapy, group process therapy sessions, group therapy, and activity therapy. This residential drug rehab center in Kentucky accepts private health insurance, cash or self-payments, and some state-funded insurance plans including military insurance.
River Valley Behavioral Healthcare offers outpatient treatment programs for substance abuse that accept private insurance in Kentucky. Treatment approaches include CBT, REBT, a 12-step facilitation approach, motivational interviewing, and relapse prevention programs. This outpatient drug rehab center in Owensboro accepts private health insurance, state-financed insurance other than Medicaid, and Military Insurance.
River Valley Behavioral Healthcare
Regional Chemical Dependency Program
Karen’s Place offers several different programs for substance abuse in Louisa, KY that will accept private health insurance. This drug rehab center offers inpatient drug rehab, outpatient treatment programs for addiction, short-term drug rehab, long-term substance abuse programs, and inpatient detoxification services. Treatment approaches can include medication-assisted withdrawal and tapering programs, CBT, CMMI, anger management, REBT, motivational interviewing, Matrix Model, 12-step facilitation approach, and relapse prevention programs. This drug rehab center in Kentucky accepts private health insurance, Medicaid, and cash or self-payments.
Louisa, KY 41230
The Wayne County Clinic offers some outpatient substance abuse counseling through their community mental health clinic in Monticello Kentucky. Treatment approaches used in drug rehab programs include one-on-one therapy, DBT, CBT, dual diagnosis drug rehab, trauma therapy, and telemedicine therapy sessions. This drug rehab in Kentucky does accept private health insurance, cash or self-payments, and most federal and state-financed insurance programs including TriCare military insurance plans.
People Who Care Ministries offers treatment programs and housing solutions for men who have developed a substance abuse problem in Morgan Town, KY. Treatment Approaches include motivational interviewing, CMMI, CBT, anger management, brief intervention approaches, 12-step facilitation approach, REBT, Matrix Model, and relapse prevention. Payments accepted include Private Health Insurance Medicaid, Military Insurance, and cash or self-payment plans.
Morgantown, KY 42261