Help with Holding an Intervention
When someone you love is abusing recreational drugs, prescriptions, or alcohol, it is important they get help for their addiction. Sometimes people aren’t ready to say “yes” to treatment. This is where a family intervention comes in. Interventions for drug or alcohol addiction are more effective when you have a professional interventionist present. Holding an intervention alone can go wrong in so many ways. This is why it is always recommended to get some professional help either through a phone consultation or actually having the interventionist present at the time of the intervention. If your loved one feels backed into a corner, he or she may become more apprehensive about accepting treatment in the future. It is highly recommended that you bring in a professional if your loved one has a history of mental illness or violence, is in denial of their usage, or is likely to become angry during the intervention. Interventionists will take all the information that you have provided them and suggest the best approach to get the individual into treatment. Addiction is a serious illness, and you are not alone. We will help you find an interventionist or help you with information on how you can get your loved one the treatment that they need.Please contact us by phone for immediate assistance. This is a necessary step in beginning the recovery process for yourself or a loved one. Our addiction treatment specialists and staff have over 25 years of experience in helping people find effective and affordable treatment for all addictions. What you tell us is completely confidential. We are HIPAA compliant. We are here to answer your questions and to get you (or a loved one) into treatment today. For immediate intake, call us now.

Interventions help someone who is not ready to go to treatment for substance use disorder realize they do need help.
How Interventions Help the Family First
Holding a professional intervention will help convince your loved one to say “yes” to going to rehab. Drug and alcohol interventions are conducted by professionals who help you plan, train, and carry out the intervention process. Holding an intervention that is not well planned can do more harm than good to the individual in question. If the addict feels trapped or attacked, they will retreat and become more isolated and more hesitant to receive treatment.Drug interventions can help someone not willing to enter treatment find the solution that they were not looking for. An intervention can help the addict change by getting them into a treatment program before their life takes a turn for the worse. It can be a life-saving event to hold an intervention for a loved one. Waiting for them to seek help on their own can have devastating consequences or even death. Drug overdose was responsible for 41,340 deaths in the US in 2011. US overdose deaths have increased for 12 successive years. In 2011, and for the fourth year in a row, the number of US citizens whose deaths were drug-related exceeded the number of fatalities in road traffic accidents (33,561). Almost five people per hour died of an overdose in the US in 2011. ref from
If you or someone you love is caught in the grips of addiction, give us a call, and we can help you find out what options are available to you.
What is an intervention?

Intervention Process and Steps of Intervention
Each person who is involved in the intervention needs to decide what they will do if the addict refuses to get help with their addiction. The consequences for not entering treatment need to be something that can be followed through on to make the individual in question feel the severity of not getting help. Examples of this may include withdrawing any financial support, asking them to move out, or stopping all communication with family or friends until they receive the help they need. Your drug interventionist will assist you with this very important step in the intervention process.
Have a written plan on what you are gonna say during the intervention; and specific incidents that have caused destructive behaviors or actions. Financial and emotional breakdowns are the most common occurrences in early addictions and can grow in intensity as the addiction continues unchecked. Including how much the person means to you will help you convey the need for them to enter into treatment. Be sure not to include antagonistic arguments, name-calling, or anything that they perceive to be judgmental rhetoric in your letter.
Once the intervention is finished and the person has agreed to go to treatment for their addiction, it is important to remain supportive so the addict can stay sober and avoid relapse. While in treatment, there are opportunities for loved ones to participate in group counseling and conflict resolution. Finding a treatment center that has aftercare will help the individual remain on their program after treatment has been completed. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has done numerous studies in both inpatient and outpatient treatment, and those who complete a program and continue with their aftercare for a year or more have a 90% success rate.


Our certified addiction specialists are here to answer any questions that you may have. Please call us toll-free today. We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Brief Interventions
Evidence-Based Psychosocial Interventions in Substance Use
Harm Reduction
National Academy of Medicine
Erik Epp – Content Author