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drug rehab centers for gays and lesbians

LGBTQ and Gay-Friendly Drug Rehab Centers

Free helpline for LGBTQ and gay-friendly drug rehab centers for addiction to drugs or alcohol.

We have specialized drug and alcohol treatment programs formatted to help the LGBTQ community and the complex issues that are synonymous in LGBTQIA communities. Addiction problems have affected the LGBTQ community for far too long. Often times conventional drug rehab programs struggle to serve the gay, bisexual, transgender, lesbian, queer/questioning community. With drug and alcohol addiction rates almost twice the addiction rate of heterosexual people, the need for specialized drug rehabs for Gay and Lesbian persons has doubled over the last decade. This can be attributed in part to social acceptance and constraints in the environment IE: family rejection, desire to be accepted, needing validation from the LGBTQ communities; who use drugs or alcohol, social environments mainly in bars or clubs where drugs are present.

There are many challenges a person can face when addicted to drugs or alcohol. There are often various other factors, that are right on the surface, that led to the addiction problem. These factors can include many social, economic, and even sexual consequences that have led to the addiction problem. When you put the added stress of having issues that a heterosexual person does not have to face during intensive inpatient programs for addiction to drugs, this can make the procedure for treatment more complex than treating a straight person.

For immediate help in locating a gay-friendly drug treatment center for addiction, please call us. This is a 24 hour, 7 days a week, free helpline. We can help you locate a free drug rehab center that accepts gay clients in your area, or anywhere in the United States. 


Does insurance cover treatment for LGBTQIA clients in specialized treatment programs for addiction?

Most programs that treat LGBT people are accredited and have the ability to accept most insurance plans that offer treatment for addiction. To find out if your treatment will be covered by your insurance provider please call our LGBTQ addiction helpline and we will assist you in finding out if your insurance will cover drug or alcohol treatment. Toll-free, no-obligation, 100% confidential call. We can help you find a rehab center that you will feel comfortable in. Call us today. 


Do members of the LGBT Community Need Specialized Programs

If you have ever been faced with discrimination for anything then you do know, that the answer to that question is “Yes”. When you are in a constant state of discrimination, adding that dynamic to a drug or alcohol treatment program can have a devastating effect on people trying to handle their addiction in a drug rehab center. Most conventional drug rehab centers are not set up to handle the unique hurdles that a person of the LGBTQ community faces. People with different sexual orientations deal with discrimination not only from social issues, but also from family, and work dynamics as well. The drug treatment for gays and lesbians needs to be in such a place that not only accepts the community itself but will support and help the individuals and the complex dynamic of managing their addiction.

What Are LGBTQ-Oriented Drug Rehab Centers?

Lesbian, Transgender, Bisexual, and Gay-oriented drug rehabilitation centers will have a program designed specifically for each member of the LGBT community. We can help you understand the complex issues and inform you on the different types of LGBT and Gay-Friendly Drug Rehab Centers offered throughout the country. This invaluable information can help you make an informed decision as to what you feel would help get your recovery started.

Inpatient Drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers for Gay bisexual and transgender people.

Finding an inpatient treatment program that works specifically with gay, transgender, and bisexual people can be difficult. Most inpatient drug rehabilitation facilities are not set up for housing clients without discriminating against them. Finding specialized drug and alcohol treatment services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender persons is crucial to the recovery of the individual seeking treatment.

Not all alcohol or drug treatment programs offer the level of care that is needed when treating someone from the LGBTQ community. Addiction No More has set up a helpline to help with the unique challenges that entering into a program can have. We will assist you in finding the right Residential drug rehab center for the issues you may face when seeking help for addictions and when looking for a gay-friendly drug rehab center.

Finding High-Quality LGBT Recovery Centers Coming Out

When looking for LGBTQ and Gay-Friendly drug or alcohol treatment centers for addiction, locating a drug rehab center that will be suited to your specific needs can be difficult. Sometimes members of the LGBTQIA community can have difficulty feeling comfortable in conventional drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities for their addiction concerns and problems. Most will look for gay-friendly drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers that will not only accept but cater specifically to LGBTQIA communities and lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender individuals. We have many different gay-friendly drug rehab centers available in the country, that specialize in the treatment of addiction.

Finding a quality treatment program that specializes in the treatment for the LGBTQIA communities will have a better result than a generic treatment program that serves mainly straight clients. Private drug rehab centers can offer some of the best options for the gay bisexual and transgender populations, with their ability to offer specialized treatment that a public treatment program cannot deliver due to monetary constraints. To find out more about our treatment programs and options for treatment call us today.

Specialized drug and alcohol treatment programs for the LGBTQIA community deals specifically with issues that all people of our community face. Drug addiction programs for LGBTQ people will include proper ways to deal with the many aspects of discrimination such as teaching the proper way to handle discrimination without having to turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with the everyday struggles.

You will learn how to deal with and manage people with homophobia while in treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol. This disorder stems from a fear of people that are different from what they are. They may act out with bullying or hate crimes and it is important to know how to properly handle the homophobic actions and reactions of others, as well as how to protect oneself and advocate for others dealing with homophobia in their own lives. There are many forms of indirect and direct discrimination that people who identify as LGBTQIA have all faced discrimination in one form or another throughout their entire lives. This discrimination can encompass not only their personal lives but also their public life. Because of this discrimination, LGBTQIA persons who are experiencing ongoing discrimination are 4 times more likely to develop a substance abuse disorder.

While in treatment for addiction all of these issues and more will be addressed. The hope is that when you leave treatment, you will know how to properly handle oppression and discrimination. The many forms of discriminatory behaviors common to the LGBTQIA community can include peer ridicule and rejection, family rejection, which can include physical and mental abuses, rejection from religious organizations and spiritual advisers., random acts of violence against the LGBTQ community, dealing with rejection from friends and family members, loss of custody of your child, public discrimination, or job loss.
We can help you locate an LGBT and Gay-Friendly Drug Rehab Center in your area, or if you would like to speak to one of our ally counselors, please give us a call 24/7.


Coming Out

Coming Out can be a very complicated issue for most lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender people. It is quite common for those who are hiding the fact that they are part of the LGBTQ community to end up with a substance abuse problem. Properly handling the “coming out” process can help eliminate the need to hide one’s true identity. Addiction No More is committed to helping all communities and has a special affinity towards the LGBTQ community. Please give us a call and we can start the process of helping you find the best solution to your ongoing battles with addiction.

Depression and Anxiety

A large number of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender persons face depression and anxiety due to many different factors in their lives. While in treatment for addiction the many triggers that spawn depression and anxiety will be addressed through therapy. Some extreme cases may or may not require medications to help with the process of discovery and handling.

Minority Stress Theory

Minority stress theory is a term that has helped classify the constant long-term and short-term stresses that are specific to members of the LGBTQIA communities. With a constant barrage of stress associated with homophobia, prejudices, victimization from groups and individuals alike, this can have severe life-changing experiences that normal heterosexual people do not face on a day-to-day basis. Many from our community have had some or all of these disgusting acts manifested at or towards them at one point in their life. Minority Stress disorder can have serious serious harmful manifestations including homelessness, self-harm, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, self-loathing, and even suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide in some extreme cases.

Misgender Issues

People that identify as transgender, face unique challenges and will learn how to better handle problems related to being misgendered without the need to self-medicate. Transgender-friendly drug rehabs will focus on how to properly handle our own sexual orientation or gender identity. We will learn that a lack of acceptance of our own selves can worsen our psychological well-being and diminish the strength of our community.

intervention services

LGBTQ Community Addiction StatisticsWhy is the addiction rate higher in the LGBTQ Community?

LGBTQ addiction rates were higher than heterosexual addiction rates in 2017 for illicit drugs. Drug use in the LGBTQ community was 39.1% and heterosexuals were 17.1% likely to become addicted to drugs. In the past month, in a month-by-month survey, has shown that the average drinking for the past month among the gay and LGBTQ community was 63.6% and 56.2% for the heterosexual community. LGBT females are at a higher risk of developing serious alcohol problems, binge drinking, and heavy drinking.

Recent research shows a huge, steady increase in the addiction rates of the LGBTQ community. The recent estimates for the year 2017(the latest results available) show that almost 40% of the community has an addiction problem that needs to be treated compared to the heterosexual community that has an addiction rate of 17%.

Why is the addiction rate higher in the LGBTQ Community?

Addiction has been plaguing the LGBTQ community since the beginning of time. This has been a constant concern for the community. Not only has addiction taken away many of our families, but the rates at which we have been forced to accept the suicide of our community members is alarming, to say the least. Drug addiction and suicide rates are at an all-time high. It is becoming readily “acceptable” to know someone affected by addiction, who lost their lives to the addiction or has committed suicide because they thought they were different. When confronting an addiction to drugs or alcohol, adding the possibility of discrimination and judgmental behavior can have a damaging effect on the ability of the treatment to be successful. The LGBTQ community has an entirely different set of challenges that some treatment programs are not prepared to deliver. Such a program can fail not only the client but can have damaging consequences to the individual seeking help.

What is needed for the LGBTQ Community?

Our community needs more treatment for addiction that specifically targets the issues that are unique to lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Receiving inpatient drug rehabilitation or alcohol treatment for addiction in an environment, without discriminatory undertones, is crucial to the success of the individual seeking treatment for addictions. More acceptance of the community as a whole can have nothing but positive effects on the community. Many LGBTQIA people only are only comfortable in their homes, or around groups of people that are part of the same community.

National Statistics for Addiction and Suicide affecting the LGBTQIA Communities

These meeting places are mainly drinking establishments, and clubs that can add to the ongoing addiction rates throughout the community. The most recent statistics available are from a 2015 survey done by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. In this survey, they have found that the use of illicit drug use among the LGBTQ communities was twice as high as heterosexual adults. The most recent study estimates the LGBTQ communities were 39.1% and among heterosexual adults, it was at 17.1% to have used an illicit drug in the last year.

As reported by SAMHSA, Lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth reported a higher abuse rate than heterosexual adolescents. In a recent study, it was found that LGBTQ adolescents were 90% more likely to abuse illicit drugs than their adolescent counterparts. The difference is drug abuse is even more pronounced in subpopulations,  bisexual adolescents were 3.4 times more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol. Lesbian and bisexual females are 4 times more likely to have a substance abuse problem than heterosexual females. In a recent phone survey, it was found that 90% of the programs on the SAMHSA website that offer specialized treatment for the LGBTQ communities, struggling with high addiction rates, do not have a program that is any different than their programs for heterosexual clients. Most programs will say they are gay-friendly while not offering any different program options for LGBTQ people.

Types of substances that make up the most commonly abused in the LGBTQ communities and the rates at which it is affecting the Gay and Transgender Populations

Tobacco: Gay and Transgender people are 200% more likely to smoke cigarettes or vape than heterosexual and non-transgender peers.

Marijuana: 63% of the community as a whole have tried Marijuana, 21% of lesbians use marijuana on a regular basis and 36% have used marijuana in the last year.

Cocaine: It is more socially acceptable to use cocaine than meth in the LGBTQ community, which accounts for 2 percent of the population in the communities using cocaine at least once a month.

Heroin: It is estimated that 200,000 individuals use heroin in the last 30 days.

Alcohol: 25% of gay and transgender people abuse alcohol on a regular basis. This is compared to straight people that have an abuse rate of 5%-12%.

Amphetamines: Ritalin, Adderall, Crystal Meth: Gay men are about 13% more likely to abuse amphetamines than heterosexual men

Club drugs, MDA, MDMA, Ketamine, GHB, Ecstasy, Poppers: 63% of the LGBTQ community has tried ecstasy and 48% of the community has tried Poppers or Amyl nitrates Opiates, Vicodin, and  Oxycontin.


For help finding LGBTQ-friendly drug rehab centers for gay, transgender, lesbian, and bisexual persons who are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction give us a call and we will help you find the right solution to help with any type of addiction.

LGBTQ Drug Rehab Centers

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LGBTQ Friendly Drug Rehab Centers
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LGBTQ Friendly Drug Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers that accept Gay Client and LGBT clients
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers that take LGBT and gay clients.