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Poems, and Motivational Quotes

The Voice Of Addiction

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woman struggling with herself with mental illness

The Voice Of Addiction

© Carrie Roush

Published on March 2008

Well, it’s nice to finally meet you.
I’ve been waiting for your call.
I’ve noticed you’ve been crying,
And, I’ve watched you pace the halls.

Whatever has been hurting you,
I can make it disappear.
You know you have nothing to lose,
Nothing to live for, nothing to fear.

Thank you, for your invention.
I’ll be sure not to leave your side.
We’ll become very fast acquainted.
My naive child, there’s no use trying to hide.

I should probably introduce myself.
I am your very own addiction.
But, you can not be angry with me.
I am you own self-conviction.

I bet you feel rather stupid,
Falling right into my lap.
I’m a master at manipulation.
You’ll never escape my trap.

How does it feel to dance with the Devil?
For he and I are one in the same.
God, has completely abandoned you,
So, you might as well stay in the game.

Are you honestly going to try to beat me?
A useless battle if you want to know.
Go ahead and make an attempt.
Besides, I’m in the mood for a good show.

I guess, you think your special.
But, your sobriety has only lasted a year.
I’m still around every corner,
In the back of your mind
I’m your greatest fear.

I’ll always be your dirty little secret.
I won’t disappear over time.
Twenty years from now you may falter,
And, I’ll be the first thing that comes to mind.

A vicious cycle, that’s what your thinking,
But, I’m only speaking the truth.
I’m Satin’s weapon of mass destruction.
The silent killer of America’s youth.

It’s genius when you think of it.
Everyone’s looking for some Armageddon war.
But, what the fools don’t realize,
Is everyday Armageddon walks through their front door

Source: http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/the-voice-of-addiction

“Be Real” A Poem by Eileen

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Pets allowed at some drug rehab centers in the United States

“Be Real” 

In this time in your life
Look, see with acute, aware eyes
What the devil will try to disguise,
He quells your fears and worries 
on the leaves of a plant,
And your mind will slowly begin to recant.
He embraces you with the nectar of Ambrosia
In a falsely induced state of repose.
Your mind slowly loses its thought
Your senses blur and swirl in a blot
And evil entities come to steal your will 
They enter your thoughts in the shape of a pill.
Sometimes liquid, sometimes smoke,
Your feelings are becoming more and more remote.
Then one day you wake up and kind of can tell
That the feelings you ran from then
Would now serve you well.

You can’t even feel laughter, sadness or joy on your own
You’re blank and a corpse unless you get stoned.
You serve the chemical – you’re under a spell.
The Liar trapped you in his drug-dependent hell.
Your Creator is still willing to bring you back
and ransom your mind from the cobwebs of crack.
There’s a war waged in the heavens for your eternal soul
Your mind is the door through which it must go.
The only way to regain your life is to lose IT 
and let those feelings return.
Your life is a lesson you have to learn.
Your mind is designed for feelings, ideas prayers, and love.
Engineered and exquisitely impassioned by your Maker above.
It can’t be improved by upsetting its chemistry….
The way it is – is the way it’s meant to be. 
So be mad, sad, glad, afraid, brave, content…..
But however, you feel…..Be real, be real, be real. 

~By Eileen

Dear Heroin

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Heroin Kills

Dear Heroin


Published: August 2008

I am angry…

You made me believe you were the cure for my every kind of pain.
I had you wrapped around me while I let you take control of my veins.

At this point in time I didn’t know who or what you turned me into,
But you made it impossible to get through days without you.

You had control of my body now, and if I didn’t choose you,
you made me feel so sick to where I was helpless, not knowing what to do.

By now I started doing the things I swore I would never do,
lying and stealing off the people who didn’t mean a thing to you.

You had me convinced that throughout my life you were determined to stay, 
that I did not have the option of turning and walking away.

Before you know it, everyone I loved saw this side of me that was hurting them inside.
Every time they questioned, I did what you taught me to do…lie.

I wanted to let you go and get you out of my way, 
so scared to tell someone, imagining what they would say.

Don’t want to be judged, it was a decision I would have to make, 
but I’ve wasted so much time; it was a little too late.

Being put in jail was something I knew it was going to come down to, 
but it made me free of relief knowing that I could not get to you.

It was a struggle, but a worthwhile fight
because now I am in control and you are out of my life.

Being sober turned me into the person I’ve always wanted to be, 
and that was the one day you were praying I would never see.

Now I am doing the good things I never imagined myself to do, 
and proudly I can say I am doing them without you.

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/dear-heroin-addicted-to-heroin