About Addiction No More ®
AddictionNoMore.com is a free substance abuse treatment and recovery resource. Started in 2003 as a recovery blog for the founder’s early recovery from an addiction to heroin and cocaine. Since its inception, it has grown to include help for others, not only to understand how rehab works but to also find effective and affordable treatment for substance abuse and behavioral conditions.
Most of the people who work in drug rehab services have overcome their own addictions and know what it takes to be free from a substance abuse problem. With hundreds of years in recovery communicatively, the knowledge of how different treatment programs work can be a great resource for those seeking a life without addiction.
When looking for a treatment program or detox facility it is understandable for you to be in crisis and overwhelmed. Searching for drug rehab can be a daunting task to undertake with all the different therapies and programs to choose from. This is where we can help with some of that burden. We will help you formulate a plan by asking the right questions and getting your answers. This is a huge life-changing decision and it is yours to make, but we can help you make an informed decision.
What happens when you call us
When you call AddictionNoMore.com, you are searching for the best drug rehab available to you. Your call will be answered by one of the counselors who works in conjunction with our website. The counselors will want to know a brief history of the addiction problem, prior treatment attempts, and family history. This will help the counselor determine if you need medical detox before you enter into a treatment program. There is no obligation and you do not have to choose one of the rehab programs offered to you.You can be assured that the person who answers the phone will be caring, calm, and well-educated in addiction and treatment programs in and outside of your area. All calls are 100% confidential and protected under law to ensure privacy. There is no commitment to deciding on a facility and you are free to ask any questions to tap our knowledge if you do not feel ready to commit to a decision at this time.
We will discuss options for treatment and get you in contact with rehabilitation centers that are best suited for the current addiction or behavioral issue. We have many different rehab facilities that we have a working relationship with throughout the country. It is sometimes beneficial for the client to go to treatment further away from home. Getting away from temptations and friends who may still be using is often better for many people. Clients who go to rehab in another state also have a harder time leaving treatment early as well. Depending on the situation, our counselors may suggest looking for substance abuse programs that are a plane flight away. This will give you some of the best options for finding the best drug rehab center for you.

Addiction No More’s counselors and addiction treatment staff are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you find the best rehabilitation center for yourself or for a loved one.
Selecting a treatment program
When choosing an addiction treatment provider it is important to make sure that they are accredited, HIPAA compliant, and have a license from the state that covers their treatment program offerings. All of this info can be found online through a simple search and is publically available to everyone.Clinical and medical compatibility with the specific addiction is very important to take into account. If the center does not ask for a comprehensive list of medications, medical history, alcohol consumption, or illegal substances abused they may not be able to handle certain addictions safely. What types of therapy do they use? Can you get client references? Are their programs rooted in evidence-based treatment methods? Will the facility provide the names and credentials of the medical and clinical staff? Choosing a treatment program that is a clinical fit is the key to finding an effective treatment.
Our Commitment to Ethics
We believe addiction treatment is a human right and that everyone should have the opportunity to find effective and affordable treatment for addictions to drugs or alcohol. If we do not have what you are looking for we recommend The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provider directory at SAMHSA.gov.
Addiction No More ® does not receive fees or commissions depending on which provider you choose. This is a no-cost service offered to you and there is no obligation to enter into any treatment program suggested by us. If one of our providers that you have chosen does not seem a good fit for you, we recommend that the provider give you options outside of their network that will better fit your treatment needs.
Addiction No More ® is a registered trademark.
Addiction No More ® is a 24-hour free drug rehabilitation, addiction treatment center help line, and referral service.
Addiction No More ® is a free service to the public to help with the process of getting someone into a drug rehab center that will work best in your particular situation. All information provided on this website is in no way meant to be a substitute for treatment or medical advice. The information provided by Addictionnomore.com should not be used for self-diagnosis of a condition and is not a substitute for professional care.
Addiction No More ® and its contributors shall have no liability or obligation to any person or entity that states to have had an adverse consequence or damage directly or indirectly as a consequence of the material and information provided by this website.
*Florida Residents: All incoming calls generated by this website are answered by “Best Treatment Center LLC and Intervention” services in accordance with Florida state law. Best Treatment Center LLC and Intervention is accredited in the state of Florida and has met the standards laid out by Florida state law to offer treatment solutions through their call center. Read the full disclaimer here. DISCLAIMER Privacy Policy Copyright ©2003-Present All Rights Reserved