Drug Rehab Centers For Women Only
While enrolled in any treatment program, laws prohibit the release of any records without express written confirmation from the person undergoing treatment for their addiction. Protecting your privacy is very important. Your stay at any rehab center is 100% confidential. It can be a difficult choice for women; deciding whether or not to go to rehab. Often, we put the care of others in front of our own needs and wants. Specialized programs offer many options to make treatment accessible to women based on their needs and lifestyles, including child care, daycare, and some centers even all pets. Gender-specific treatment programs for addiction, are designed to specifically target the areas in life that can be affected by addiction (biological, family, psychological, and social needs). Women’s drug addiction treatment programs focus on the treatment of substance abuse, and co-occurring mental disorders, which can sometimes be the root of the problem for some with addiction issues. Give us a call, for help in finding an all-female drug rehab center today.
Finding A Women’s Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center Near You
- Individual counseling
- Recreational activities
- Family Counseling
- 12-step education and practices
- Educational groups
- Relapse prevention and life after rehab classes
- An alternative to the 12 steps groups
Women’s Recovery Programs for Addiction
- Outpatient treatment: Outpatient therapy for addiction is offered to those who need to be in treatment but can not take the time out of their busy schedule to enter into an inpatient facility. Designed for women who need to recover from drug or alcohol addiction while maintaining their work or home schedule.
- Residential drug treatment programs: Inpatient addiction treatment for women, provides 24-hour support for those needing to be separated from their environment while undergoing treatment for their addiction.
- All Female PTSD Treatment Centers: Inpatient Treatment Programs specialized to help women recover from trauma and PTSD are the best solution for a quick recovery. Finding a dual diagnosis, PTSD treatment program that specializes in women’s PTSD and trauma issues can offer the most up-to-date treatment methods to handle the complex issues facing women who are suffering from PTSD and trauma issues.
- Day Treatment Programs: This option provides a 6-8 hour day of treatment while the client goes home at night. This option is best for self-starters who are serious about getting help but just don’t need a full inpatient treatment program.
- Aftercare and continued support: Designed for continued care and support for those who have undergone treatment for their addiction. This is the most important step after completing a treatment program that if skipped, can be the cause of relapse.
Private or Luxury Rehab Center for Women
Luxury treatment for women offers state-of-the-art therapy models and behavioral health treatment with the amenities that you would only have at a 5-star resort. With your well-being and enjoyment being the main goal, you can be assured of having a comfortable and enjoyable time in treatment. Most ultra-private treatment programs for women offer massage therapy, and nutritional support through their chef’s prepared meals, private rooms, in-house massage therapy, yoga, acupuncture, and workout facilities.
Inpatient vs. Outpatient
Inpatient rehabs for women focus on the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs of females seeking recovery. Women-only rehab centers are located in most states and offer gender-specific treatment for women seeking recovery from addiction to drugs or alcohol. Addiction treatment for women offers options in a female-only setting, to ensure confidentiality in a non-judgmental environment. This type of treatment can be a great help for those who have issues sharing their concerns and pitfalls in a co-ed setting. Women who have local issues that will or could cause a relapse are encouraged to travel for treatment. A new environment can have a profound, positive change in someone’s recovery process while taking away the worries of everyday life while in treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol. It can be beneficial for the client to go to treatment further away from home. Getting away from temptations and friends who may still be using is often better for many people. Clients who go to rehab in another state also have a harder time leaving treatment early as well. Depending on the situation, our counselors may suggest looking for substance abuse programs that are a plane flight away.What Will be Treated at All Female Rehab?
- Opiate addictions
- Meth Addiction
- Alcohol addictions
- Marijuana addiction
- Benzo’s (Xanax, Valium, Clonazepam, and others)
- Prescription Drug Abuse
- Mood Disorders
- Heroin addiction
- Sex Addiction
- Cocaine addiction
- Eating Disorders
How Long is a Person Usually in Rehab?
- 28-30 day programs —- Most common program for addiction
- 60-day treatment programs for women
- 90-day treatment programs
Paying for Treatment
- Location of program
- Amenities
- Length of stay
- Inpatient or Outpatient Services
- Private care
- State or federally-funded options
- Insurance coverage
- Private rooms
Specialized Treatment Services
National Library of Medicine
Erik Epp – Content Author