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Pet Therapy and Drug Rehabs that Allow Pets

  For some people leaving their best friend behind to enter treatment can be very hard. The emotional connection between a human and a pet can have great advantages in the recovery process. When pets are allowed in rehab center programs the benefits to the patient can include lowering stress, depression, loneliness, isolation, and anxiety, making the transition to a rehab center program easier on both the pet and the patient.


Studies have shown that when 
humans interact with their pets their blood pressure lowers, 
moods boost, and cortisol lowers (a stress-related hormone). 
Feelings of loneliness is reduced, 
increased feelings of social support, and overall mood is boosted.
One study showed that pet therapy coupled with 
cognitive behavior therapy helped people
become more open to expressing their emotions during therapy, 
while making it so the patient was less distressed during therapy.

Can I bring my dog with me to rehab?

Service animals and emotional support pets are usually allowed. Animal-assisted therapy programs use dogs, horses, or other animals to help reduce the stress and/or anxiety of the patients during treatment for addictions. These types of programs are very beneficial for those who have an affinity for animals. A few drug rehabs throughout the country will allow patients the option of bringing their pet to rehab with them. Some programs offer both pet therapy and will also allow you to bring your dog or cat to rehab. These programs can be hard to find depending on your location and finances. Pet-friendly programs that offer pet therapy will have dogs, cats, or farm animals that are there for the pet therapy program while other programs will allow you to bring your dog or cat to rehab with you.

How to get my pet approved to go to rehab with me?

Service Dog: To get your service dog approved to go to rehab with you, first you will need to get your healthcare provider to provide written documentation that you are being treated for a physical disability, chronic illness, or neurological condition that affects one or more limbs. The severity of the condition will be one of the determining factors for eligibility. Doctors and rehab programs can make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. If you do not have a service dog and think you qualify for one, you will need to find a service dog provider. These agencies train dogs for those with physical or mental disabilities and put them up for adoption. You will have to call or visit the training facility to find out what disabilities their training covers. Once you have found the right fit you will have to apply for adoption.

Emotional support animals: You may have an emotional support animal you would like to get certified as your EAS, or you can adopt one. To get your dog certified all you must do is get a mental health provider to write a letter stating that you have one or more mental health conditions that limit one or more major life activities, like being able to sleep, work, learn, travel, or socialize.

The letter from your mental health professional needs to include:
*Documentation that you have a mental health condition
*Recommendation for EAS to help with your symptoms
*Mental health professional’s credentials, license type, number, and state of issue
*The signature and date must also be present on the letterhead

Once you have the letter there is no registration or certification for the animal. The letter itself is enough documentation for even the airlines and is valid for 1 year.

How dogs can help with substance abuse treatment

Studies have indicated that when humans interact with their pets their blood pressure lowers, moods boost, and cortisol lowers (a stress-related hormone). The patients’ feelings of loneliness reduced, increased feelings of social support, and an overall mood boost was observed. One study showed that pet therapy coupled with cognitive behavior therapy showed that the subjects were more open to expressing their emotions during therapy while making it so the patient was less distressed during therapy. The interaction between a human and their pet increases neurochemicals, which lowers blood pressure and promotes relaxation. 

Pet therapy is often done with farm animals like horses or cows.

Equine Therapy

Equine-assisted therapy is being used in some treatment centers for addiction. Many clients have said they felt relaxed during the interaction phases on the grounds and while on horseback. Equine therapy may improve your quality of sleep on the days of therapy. Equine therapy also helps improve fine and gross motor function, as well as the parameters related to the cognitive, emotional, and affective-social areas. The benefits of horse therapy include a positive influence on the quality of life.

Is animal therapy covered by insurance?

Animal therapy as a part of a drug and alcohol rehab center program may be covered by insurance or at least in part by your insurance provider. We can let you know if any pet-friendly or pet therapy treatment programs are in network with your provider. Insurance can be hard to navigate, let us do the work for you. We have decades of experience in the field of addiction and work with programs that are in network with most major insurance providers. Your insurance provider will not be notified unless you agree to enter treatment.


Pets allowed at some drug rehab centers in the United States

Therapy Dogs
Service Dog Qualifications
Equine Therapy
The Power of Pets
Erik Epp – Content Author
Pet Therapy and Drug Rehabs that Allow Pets
Service Type
Pet Therapy and Drug Rehabs that Allow Pets
Nationwide, USA
For some people leaving their best friend behind to enter treatment can be very hard. The emotional connection between a human and a pet can have great advantages in the recovery process. When pets are allowed in rehab center programs the benefits to the patient can include lowering stress, depression, loneliness, isolation, and anxiety, making the transition to a rehab center program easier on both the pet and the patient.


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