Drug Rehab Centers for Veterans
Helping Veterans Overcome Addiction to Drugs or Alcohol: In 2017, there was a major overhaul of the military insurance Tricare, which is now offering Veterans treatment for addictions through private rehab centers that qualify for the new program. This overhaul has allowed providers of addiction treatment to access resources like TriCare and federal grant monies allocated for the treatment of Veterans in the country. This is a game-changer for Veterans seeking treatment for their addictions to drugs or alcohol.Seeking treatment for a Veteran who has become addicted to prescription drugs, illegal drugs, or alcohol can be a daunting task. Some people in the past may have been denied treatment for their addictions. This has now been changed, allowing service members more access to drug rehab centers. Finding treatment for addictions to drugs or alcohol in the private sector, in the past, was not available for Veterans. This was due to bureaucratic red tape and the acceptance of the military health care insurance Tricare. Addiction treatment for veterans has recently evolved to include private drug rehab centers in the United States. With drug rehab centers being able to accept Tricare insurance, we can now help Veterans and their families seek treatment and detox programs that are outside of the VA. Now that more options have been available to you since the VA overhaul, treatment for substance use disorder along with PTSD is available to everyone who needs treatment, especially for our brave men and women in the Military and their families.
If you or a loved one is seeking treatment for a mental health disorder or substance abuse problem, we can help you locate the best drug rehab center for Veterans anywhere in the United States. Our Veteran drug rehab program will be able to either take your insurance or possibly find a grant for you if you are uninsured. We will be able to find you programs that use evidence-based treatment methods and therapy models that have been proven helpful in treating veterans with co-occurring disorders. Please contact us by phone for immediate assistance. This is a necessary step in beginning the recovery process for yourself or a loved one. Our addiction treatment specialists and staff have over 25 years of experience in helping people find effective and affordable treatment for all addictions. What you tell us is completely confidential. We are HIPAA compliant. We are here to answer your questions and to get you (or a loved one) into treatment today. For immediate intake, call us now.

In 2021, 75% of veterans and active service respondents said they experienced PTSD as a result of their military service after 9/11.
Where Can I Find The Best Veterans Drug Rehab Programs Near Me?
Finding a rehab center near where you live can be necessary for some. It is important to find out what the various types of treatment are available in your area. This ensures all the individual’s needs are met before deciding on a specific rehab program. Our addiction specialists can help you choose between inpatient short-term treatment, long-term, 30 to 90-day treatment, outpatient programs, or a dual diagnosis treatment program. The best treatment for you is the one that fits your specific needs or circumstances. Depending on where in the country you are located, you may find that there are not any programs for Veterans in your immediate area. There may be facilities nearby that you can travel to for treatment.It is sometimes beneficial for the client to go to treatment further away from home. Getting away from temptations and friends who may still be using is often better for many people. Clients who go to rehab in another state also have a harder time leaving treatment early as well. Depending on the situation, our counselors may suggest looking for substance abuse programs that are a plane flight away. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of traveling outside of your area for treatment. We can help you locate a facility for veterans and connect you with providers throughout the country who may be able to help you.
Detox Centers and Treatment Covered by Tricare Military Insurance
Military insurance coverage explained: Military insurance coverage can include Tricare and regular VA benefits through the Department of Veteran Affairs. Most insurance companies give discounts to the Military for private health care coverage as well. The health care offered by Tricare and through the VA has expanded to offer treatment through private and low-cost drug rehab centers in the United States. Seeking treatment for veterans can include inpatient rehab centers, detox, and outpatient treatment programs for substance abuse. Even without insurance, there may be help that you could receive through a VA-grants.Tricare Insurance: Tricare is a health insurance program for veterans and their families. Tricare coverage is available in 4 different varieties: Tricare for Life, Tricare Standard, Tricare Extra, and Tricare Prime. Tricare offers insurance plans for Veterans, active duty service members, retired military, and the families of service members. Tricare military insurance for retired veterans costs $12.50 a month to $150 a year for a single person or $25 a month to $300 a month for a family plan.

1 in 15 Veterans had a substance abuse disorder in the past year. The most common primary substance of abuse among veteran admissions was alcohol (65.4 percent), followed by heroin (10.7 percent) and cocaine (6.2 percent).
Military and Alcohol Culture
Active-duty military personnel have a hard time transitioning into civilian life, which can lead to heavy drinking once they return home. If you add PTSD or an underlying mental health condition, using alcohol as a coping mechanism can become quite common in veterans who have served in a combat zone. The alcohol culture in the Military has been helped along by rewarding the service members with alcohol for doing a good job or returning from a mission. When alcohol is used to reward behavior or accomplishment, it can lead to dependency when the service member returns home. Alcoholism in the Military is an ongoing problem as it has interwoven itself into military culture, resulting in service members being more susceptible to alcohol addiction than civilians.Alcohol use and drinking can serve to create a means to connect with fellow service members through comradery. Some restaurants and bars offer discounted prices for drinks to service members and retired military personnel as a reward for their service. Alcohol abuse disorders are the most prevalent form of substance abuse across all branches of the military. More than one in three service personnel met the criteria for hazardous drinking or possible alcohol use disorder, with rates higher among men than women. In a recent 2017 survey, it was found that veterans were more likely to abuse alcohol (56% compared to their civilian counterparts 50.1%) in a one-month period. The result of heavy use of alcohol was 7.5% compared to 6.5% for the general population.

Why do most active duty service members not seek treatment?
There can be actual problems for active duty service members who report an addiction problem or mental health concerns. When an active duty service member seeks treatment or help for a mental health concern or ongoing addiction, they may face some discrimination. This discrimination may come in the form of being passed by for promotions, not getting new assignments, and even dishonorable discharge for some conditions, including drug addiction. This is why when some service members transition into civilian life, their mental health or drug addiction can become more severe. The United States Military has had an ongoing battle with addictions since its inception, especially for those who have been diagnosed with PTSD. Treatment methods and models include PTSD screenings and treatment if necessary. Some treatment programs for Veterans offer many different therapy programs in order to address all the underlying conditions that may be brought to the foreground during one-on-one therapy sessions. Substance abuse affects veterans and active-duty personnel at an alarming rate. In a recent survey, it was found that 1 in every 15 Veterans has struggled with addictions to drugs or alcohol in the past year. It has been found that 5% of active-duty service members are heavy alcohol drinkers. and 25% of those diagnosed with PTSD have an addiction issue or SUD.If you think you are struggling with PTSD, you can take our PTSD Screening Test HERE.
Disclaimer: This evaluation is not intended to constitute a diagnosis of any disorder. The information provided here cannot substitute for a full evaluation by a health professional, which must be done in person. Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for help locating an addiction treatment center.

According to homeless veterans statistics, roughly 3.7% of veterans become homeless in the first 5 years after leaving the army.
Why veterans are at a higher risk for addictions than civilians
Trauma. Veterans with multiple deployments are subject to more exposure to active combat and are at a high risk of developing PTSD and other mental health issues. Some Veterans with PTSD turn to drugs or alcohol to help deal with intrusive thoughts, sleeping problems, nightmares, and flashbacks.
Sexual trauma. Both males and females who have experienced sexual assault are at risk for mental health problems, anxiety, PTSD, and depression. Veterans who have experienced sexual trauma may turn to drugs or alcohol to help mask the trauma.
Homelessness. Veterans are at a higher risk of homelessness. The latest estimate of homelessness in the United States found that over 10% of the homeless population is made up of veterans. 75% of veterans who end up homeless have an underlying mental health condition, PTSD, or addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Prescription medication availability. Veterans can become addicted to these drugs by no fault of their own. Working in the military exposes people to pain from combat-related injuries and other injuries while enlisted in the Armed Services. The VA has taken a look at the prescriptions dispensed during that period, and 3.8 million prescriptions were written. They have been limiting the number of medications dispensed and the length of time one can be prescribed opioids. This has led to a decline in opioid prescriptions and addiction rates among active-duty military personnel.

More than 20% of all servicemembers say they drink heavily. Veterans are more likely to use alcohol and drink heavily than non-veterans. Alcohol use disorders are more prevalent among male veterans than female veterans (10.5% vs. 4.*%)
PTSD in the Military
There are many different scenarios that can lead to the development of PTSD in an individual, including any form of trauma one has experienced. The most recognized form of PTSD is when someone returns home from the military after experiencing a traumatic event. PTSD in the military has been documented for decades. The number of people affected by PTSD in military combat can be 4 times that of civilians.
Out of every 100 veterans who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, between 11% to 20% have PTSD during any given year. They figure that 12 out of every 100 veterans who served in the Gulf War have been diagnosed and treated for PTSD and trauma-related issues. For those who served in the Vietnam War, it is believed that over 30% of those who served are suffering from PTSD.
In 2019, the suicide rate of active service members broke a record set in 2012, with 325 service members committing suicide due to PTSD. With 17 inactive military personnel dying each day from suicide, the scope of the problem is not getting any better. With treatment and rehabilitation, the VA is utilizing all its resources to fight this losing battle. It has been left up to private care facilities to step up their programs to include more PTSD treatment options in their treatment programs.
PTSD has been brought to the forefront of the mental health conversations. This is due in part to the need for more inpatient PTSD and trauma programs for active and inactive service members who came home with mental health problems. Working with private PTSD treatment programs, the government has relaxed guidelines to allow private care facilities to treat military personnel in their drug and alcohol rehab centers.

How We Can Help
Seeking help is the very first and most important step in the recovery process. Please call now to receive help from our veteran’s addiction treatment helpline. This is a free service. Open 7 days a week. Let us start the recovery process together.1-800-513-5423
Military Resources
How do I apply for the Basic Medical Benefits Package for Veterans?The simplest way to apply for VA health benefits is by completing and submitting VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Benefits online.
You may also apply in person at your local VA medical facility by calling 1-877-222-VETS (8387), or you may mail the completed form to:
VA Health Eligibility Center
2957 Clairmont Road, Suite 200
Atlanta, Georgia 30329
The suicide prevention lifeline offers free and confidential emotional support for all people who are in crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day and 7 days a week in the United States.
The current lifeline phone number is 1-800-273-8255
The lifeline and 988
988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. While some areas may be currently able to connect to the Lifeline by dialing 988, this dialing code will be available to everyone across the United States starting on July 16, 2022.
National Centers for PTSD
US Dept of Affairs Mental Health
Substance Use Treatment for Veterans
Mental Health and SUD in Veterans
Veterans Mental Health
Erik Epp – Content Author