Heroin Addiction Treatment Programs in Maryland
Please contact us by phone for immediate assistance. This is a necessary step in beginning the recovery process for yourself or a loved one. Our addiction treatment specialists and staff have over 25 years of experience in helping people find effective and affordable treatment for all addictions. What you tell us is completely confidential. We are HIPAA compliant. We are here to answer your questions and to get you (or a loved one) into treatment today. For immediate intake, call us now.

Types Of Heroin Treatment Programs
DETOX: Heroin addiction can sometimes include other drugs so it is very important to make sure that you disclose all of the drugs you are currently taking and have taken in the past 6 months. This will help the detox center better diagnose and prescribe the best medications to make your detox go smoothly and as pain-free as possible. Do not try to detox on your own. Heroin withdrawal can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the length of heroin use, and the amount of heroin being abused on a daily basis.
Inpatient rehabs: Detox should be followed by an extensive stay, at a heroin inpatient treatment program. Most of the people who have fought heroin addiction have one thing in common: They recovered from their addiction at an inpatient heroin rehab center. Some people can find sobriety in an outpatient treatment program but due to the temptations and availability to go find heroin, this type of program is less effective in treating the addiction as a whole. The typical stay for someone recovering from heroin addiction can vary from center to center and usually consists of 30-90-day programs.
Private Inpatient drug rehabs offer the best results for long-lasting sobriety from Heroin addiction. The best treatment facilities for heroin will offer different types of treatment models and detox options for the person who is suffering from the adverse effects of heroin.
Court-ordered treatment: There are many Drug Rehab Facilities that accept criminal justice clients and people with open court cases as an alternative to jail. County and state courts will often suggest treatment in place of jail time for some first-time offender cases.
State-funded heroin treatment programs: Maryland has set aside some resources for the treatment of heroin addiction. Please call our specialists to find out if you qualify for these state-funded rehab programs that are offered in Maryland.

Find Drug Rehabs Near Me
We can help you locate treatment for addiction in your area or anywhere in the country. To locate AA meetings, group meetings, 12-step programs, inpatient treatment, or outpatient services in your town give us a call. There are many options for drug rehab services in many cities in Maryland.1-800-513-5423
Baltimore, Maryland Drug Rehabs
Columbia, MD Addiction Treatment
Elliot City, Maryland Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
Frederick, MD. Substance Abuse Treatment
Germantown Maryland 30/90-Day Treatment Centers
Glen Burnie MD Inpatient Drug Rehab Programs
Silver Spring, Maryland Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs
Waldorf, MD. Detox Centers and Addiction Resources

Heroin Addiction Medications and Uses
*To locate a doctor who can prescribe medications for a painless withdrawal, please give us a call, and we will help you find the closest addiction doctor to you in Maryland.

Addiction Stats for the State of Maryland
Prescription pain pills can often be overprescribed to patients who realize that they have become dependent on the drug. With recent crackdowns in Maryland on opioid abuse, there has been a huge resurgence of heroin-addicted people in Maryland. Adding to the problem is the fact that heroin is often times cut with Fentanyl (used for pain relief for end-stage cancer patients) and the potency can vary, leading to elevated heroin overdose deaths in Maryland.
Finding treatment in Maryland can be difficult if you are looking for a state-run treatment program for Heroin addiction. The answer to the problem Maryland is facing may come in the form of new legislation proposed by Dr. Dan Morhaim, who represents part of Baltimore County in the Maryland House of Delegates. Morhaim wants to start that conversation after decades of treating the fallout from addiction in emergency rooms in Baltimore. On Friday, he’ll announce the introduction of a sweeping set of bills that would upend the approach to the opioid epidemic. Morhaim decided to go with what’s called poly-morphine-assisted treatment, meaning users would get an injection of a drug similar to heroin. This is not a new idea and has been implemented in many European countries and Canada. This approach is also being considered in California and in New York. At the sites that are being proposed for safe injection sites, there will be counselors and medical staff to make sure that treatment is needed and that it is available to the addict at the time of need, hopefully reducing the fatal overdose rate throughout Maryland. Harford Sheriff’s Office reports 200 heroin overdoses, 27 of them fatal, in 2015. The heroin epidemic in Harford County disproportionately afflicts whites and males. About 65 percent – or 129 out of the 200 overdoses reported to the Sheriff’s Office in 2015 – were white males. Another 62 cases, or 31 percent, were white females. That leaves a mere nine overdoses among non-whites.

Get Help for Heroin Addiction NOW
If you are seeking a free or sliding fee scale program, we have some resources listed below for treatment in some of the more populated cities in Maryland. Due to some overcrowding in the jails, there may be a bit of a wait for some treatment centers, due to the deferred prosecution clients coming from the criminal justice system. We can help you enter a free rehab center today. Call us now to discuss your treatment options.1-800-513-5423
Baltimore Crisis Response Treatment Programs
The Baltimore Crisis Center offers hospital medical detox with a painless, free medication replacement option (Suboxone treatment). Opioid, opiate, and prescription medication detox programs in Baltimore, Maryland, are done in a hospital inpatient facility using the latest detox medications for a painless withdrawal from opioids or pain medications.
Baltimore Crisis Center
2401 E. Fayette St.
Baltimore, Maryland 21224
Bernice Meade House Baltimore Maryland (CSNPC)
The Bernice E Meade House offers treatment and detoxification for those who have found themselves addicted to opioids, opiates, and prescription medications. The program has evolved to now offer medical detoxification services for those living in the Baltimore area. The inpatient drug and alcohol treatment programs can include residential long-term treatment, residential short-term, inpatient, and outpatient services, as well as aftercare and halfway houses. The CSNPC Programs offer treatment and referrals for criminal justice clients who have been court-mandated to attend treatment in place of jail time for certain offenses. This program works with most state public defender offices to ensure an easy transition from jail to a sober living home in Baltimore, Maryland.
Bernice E Meade House
1211 North Chester St.
Baltimore, Maryland 21213
Echo House Service Center
The Echo House is more of an outpatient facility that offers a wean-down, home detox option for those looking to overcome their addiction to their pain medications in Baltimore, Maryland. Treatment options at the Echo House include individual counseling sessions, outpatient substance abuse treatment programs, family counseling sessions, and help to find sober living houses in the city. Home detox programs in Baltimore, Maryland, from opioids, opiates, and Xanax, have helped thousands in the community be able to keep their jobs while ending their dependency on pain medications.
Echo House Multi-Service Center
17905 W Fayette St
Baltimore, Maryland 21223
Mountain Manor Treatment Centers in Baltimore
Mountain Manner Treatment Centers in Baltimore, Maryland, operates an outpatient drug and alcohol treatment center specializing in opioid and opiate dependency. This is mainly an outpatient treatment program and is coordinated with sober living facilities throughout the city. This program has helped many achieve a new life without the need for prescription medication addiction. Mountain Manor offers a drug court diversion program for those who need treatment for a DWI/DUI or drug-related charges. Mountain Manor operates several of these treatment facilities throughout the country and can help with placement into a halfway house for those traveling out of the area for treatment at one of their facilities.
Mountain Manor Treatment Centers
3800 Frederick Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 21229
Kent County Health Department
The Kent County Health Department has set up a program that hopes will help battle the opioid epidemic in the state. The program that the health department of Kent County offers is a Suboxone detox and maintenance program for those who need to come off of their medications or heroin. The Health Department of Kent County, Maryland, will work with many types of insurance and offers a sliding fee scale type of payment services for those that qualify for their assistance program.
Kent County Health Department Drug Replacement Programs
300 Scheeler Rd
Chestertown, Maryland 21602