Heroin Addiction Treatment Programs in Pennsylvania
The Heroin Addiction Treatment Programs in Pennsylvania are specialized to help a person who is addicted to heroin overcome their drug abuse and recover in a safe, supportive environment. Heroin addiction is not something to take lightly. Heroin is an illicit, and highly addictive drug. It is one of the most abused and the most rapidly acting members of opioids. People who abuse heroin describe a feeling of pleasurable sensation, or “rush” or “high”. Repeatedly using high doses of heroin can result in physical dependence or addiction. Heroin dependency is best treated in an inpatient drug rehab center. There are many different styles of substance abuse treatment programs available. It is very important for you to find the right drug rehab center to handle your specific needs. It is sometimes beneficial for the client to go to treatment further away from home. Getting away from temptations and friends who may still be using is often better for many people. Clients who go to rehab in another state also have a harder time leaving treatment early as well. Depending on the situation, our counselors may suggest looking for substance abuse programs that are a plane flight away. Our treatment specialists are here to help you find the best solution for yourself or a loved one’s heroin misuse. Knowing the different options for detox and treatment can be the difference between success and failure in recovery.
Please contact us by phone for immediate assistance. This is a necessary step in beginning the recovery process for yourself or a loved one. Our addiction treatment specialists and staff have over 25 years of experience in helping people find effective and affordable treatment for all addictions. What you tell us is completely confidential. We are HIPAA compliant. We are here to answer your questions and to get you (or a loved one) into treatment today. For immediate intake, call us now.
Erie, Pennsylvania Addiction Treatment
Hampden, PA Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
Haverford, Pennsylvania Substance Abuse Treatment
Langhorne, PA 30/90-Day Treatment Centers
Laurel Run Pennsylvania Inpatient Drug Rehab Programs
Penn Hills, PA Treatment Centers for Addiction
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Detox Centers, and Rehab Facilities
Reading, PA Treatment Programs for Addiction
Scranton, PA Rehab Centers
*To locate a doctor who can prescribe medications for a painless withdrawal, please give us a call and we will help you find the closest addiction doctor to you in Pennsylvania.
There have been many recent reports that heroin has become less expensive than it has been in years. This price shift in Pennsylvania has caused heroin to become a cheaper alternative for people who have developed an addiction to opioids in the form of pharmaceuticals. Due to the short supply of pharmaceutical drugs, heroin has become an inexpensive way to keep from going through the painful withdrawal symptoms from prescription medications.
Prescription pain pills can often be overprescribed to patients who realize that they have become dependent on the drug. With recent crackdowns in Pennsylvania on opioid abuse, there has been a huge resurgence of heroin-addicted people in Pennsylvania. Adding to the problem is the fact that heroin is often times cut with Fentanyl (used for pain relief for end-stage cancer patients) and the potency can vary, leading to elevated heroin overdose deaths in Pennsylvania.
Please contact us by phone for immediate assistance. This is a necessary step in beginning the recovery process for yourself or a loved one. Our addiction treatment specialists and staff have over 25 years of experience in helping people find effective and affordable treatment for all addictions. What you tell us is completely confidential. We are HIPAA compliant. We are here to answer your questions and to get you (or a loved one) into treatment today. For immediate intake, call us now.

Types Of Heroin Treatment Programs
Treating heroin addiction will involve many steps to make the recovery process effective. For most people, there will be a need for a medical detox to alleviate the symptoms of heroin withdrawal before going to a drug rehab center.
DETOX: Heroin addiction can sometimes include other drugs so it is very important to make sure that you disclose all of the drugs you are currently taking and have taken in the past 6 months. This will help the detox center better diagnose and prescribe the best medications to make your detox go smoothly and as pain-free as possible. Do not try to detox on your own. Heroin withdrawal can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the length of heroin use, and the amount of heroin being abused on a daily basis.
Inpatient rehabs: Detox should be followed by an extensive stay, at a heroin inpatient treatment program. Most of the people who have fought heroin addiction have one thing in common: They recovered from their addiction at an inpatient heroin rehab center. Some people can find sobriety in an outpatient treatment program but due to the temptations and availability to go find heroin, this type of program is less effective in treating the addiction as a whole. The typical stay for someone recovering from heroin addiction can vary from center to center and usually consists of 30-90-day programs.
Private Inpatient drug rehabs offer the best results for long-lasting sobriety from Heroin addiction. The best treatment facilities for heroin will offer different types of treatment models and detox options for the person who is suffering from the adverse effects of heroin.
Court-ordered treatment: There are many Drug Rehab Facilities that accept criminal justice clients and people with open court cases as an alternative to jail. County and state courts will often suggest treatment in place of jail time for some first-time offender cases.
State-funded heroin treatment programs: Pennsylvania has set aside some resources for the treatment of heroin addiction. Please call our specialists to find out if you qualify for these state-funded rehab programs that are offered in Pennsylvania.

DETOX: Heroin addiction can sometimes include other drugs so it is very important to make sure that you disclose all of the drugs you are currently taking and have taken in the past 6 months. This will help the detox center better diagnose and prescribe the best medications to make your detox go smoothly and as pain-free as possible. Do not try to detox on your own. Heroin withdrawal can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the length of heroin use, and the amount of heroin being abused on a daily basis.
Inpatient rehabs: Detox should be followed by an extensive stay, at a heroin inpatient treatment program. Most of the people who have fought heroin addiction have one thing in common: They recovered from their addiction at an inpatient heroin rehab center. Some people can find sobriety in an outpatient treatment program but due to the temptations and availability to go find heroin, this type of program is less effective in treating the addiction as a whole. The typical stay for someone recovering from heroin addiction can vary from center to center and usually consists of 30-90-day programs.
Private Inpatient drug rehabs offer the best results for long-lasting sobriety from Heroin addiction. The best treatment facilities for heroin will offer different types of treatment models and detox options for the person who is suffering from the adverse effects of heroin.
Court-ordered treatment: There are many Drug Rehab Facilities that accept criminal justice clients and people with open court cases as an alternative to jail. County and state courts will often suggest treatment in place of jail time for some first-time offender cases.
State-funded heroin treatment programs: Pennsylvania has set aside some resources for the treatment of heroin addiction. Please call our specialists to find out if you qualify for these state-funded rehab programs that are offered in Pennsylvania.

Find Drug Rehabs Near Me
We can help you locate treatment for addiction in your area or anywhere in the country. To locate AA meetings, group meetings, 12-step programs, inpatient treatment, or outpatient services in your town give us a call. There are many options for drug rehab services in many cities in Pennsylvania.1-800-513-5423
Altoona, PA Drug RehabsErie, Pennsylvania Addiction Treatment
Hampden, PA Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
Haverford, Pennsylvania Substance Abuse Treatment
Langhorne, PA 30/90-Day Treatment Centers
Laurel Run Pennsylvania Inpatient Drug Rehab Programs
Penn Hills, PA Treatment Centers for Addiction
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Detox Centers, and Rehab Facilities
Reading, PA Treatment Programs for Addiction
Scranton, PA Rehab Centers

Heroin Addiction Medications and Uses
Sometimes a medical intervention can be used to help wean a person off of heroin at a slower rate, alleviating the withdrawal symptoms normally associated with heroin detox.
Buprenorphine: Being an opioid, Buprenorphine accesses the same receptors in the brain that heroin interacts with. This allows for a seemingly painless transition while managing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Methadone: Over the last few decades, this drug has become a bit controversial due to the fact that the body can build up a tolerance quickly if taken too often, and it is under investigation for being potentially addictive. Methadone is considerably stronger than Buprenorphine but works in the same manner, offering alleviated symptoms from withdrawal.
Naltrexone: Designed to block opioid receptors, blocking the effects that would normally take place once Heroin or an opioid is entered into the system. Also used in treating alcoholism.
Suboxone: Specifically designed to work in combination with Buprenorphine and Naltrexone. This combination of drugs not only manages the addiction but also alleviates the temptation to use heroin due to the opioid-blocking drug Naltrexone.
*To locate a doctor who can prescribe medications for a painless withdrawal, please give us a call and we will help you find the closest addiction doctor to you in Pennsylvania.

Addiction Stats for the State of Pennsylvania
Prescription pain pills can often be overprescribed to patients who realize that they have become dependent on the drug. With recent crackdowns in Pennsylvania on opioid abuse, there has been a huge resurgence of heroin-addicted people in Pennsylvania. Adding to the problem is the fact that heroin is often times cut with Fentanyl (used for pain relief for end-stage cancer patients) and the potency can vary, leading to elevated heroin overdose deaths in Pennsylvania.
With the recent crackdown on doctors prescribing too many painkillers, there has been a significant rise in the cost of obtaining these opioid pills. This has led to the resurgence of heroin addiction as a cheaper alternative to pain-killer addiction. The resurgence of heroin addiction has made a huge impact on the availability of state-funded treatment beds in the state. For long-term recovery, we recommend that a person goes through a medical type detox if needed, followed up by a 45-90 day treatment program for heroin addiction. Recent studies show that a person that goes through an intensive 90-day program, will have a considerably higher chance of remaining heroin-free. Treatment and education are the only way to reduce overdose rates in Pennsylvania. A new study shows that the heroin epidemic is even worse than it was previously diagnosed throughout the state. Heroin is reportedly easier to get than wine, and less expensive than beer in the rural regions of the state. The epidemic that is sweeping the nation is due, in part to the nationwide crackdown on prescription medication availability. With prices for a single dose of heroin between 5 and 10 dollars in rural areas, it has become easier and cheaper than buying a six-pack of beer for young kids. Drug dealers do not have an age requirement for people wanting to buy their drugs so access to it has become easier than finding someone to buy alcohol.
In 2015 the state overdose rate has increased dramatically from 21 per 100,000 people in 2014, to 26 pre 100,000 people in 2016. This is a staggering increase in just one year. A recent study by the DEA has reported that 55% of all overdoses in Pennsylvania have traces of heroin in their system. Heroin was present in 95% of the overdose fatalities in 59 out of the 62 counties in Pennsylvania. Fentanyl was the second most frequently identified drug in recent deaths in 2015 (27 percent); of fentanyl-positive decedents, approximately 36 percent were also positive for heroin, and approximately 26 percent were positive for cocaine. read the full report HERE

In 2015 the state overdose rate has increased dramatically from 21 per 100,000 people in 2014, to 26 pre 100,000 people in 2016. This is a staggering increase in just one year. A recent study by the DEA has reported that 55% of all overdoses in Pennsylvania have traces of heroin in their system. Heroin was present in 95% of the overdose fatalities in 59 out of the 62 counties in Pennsylvania. Fentanyl was the second most frequently identified drug in recent deaths in 2015 (27 percent); of fentanyl-positive decedents, approximately 36 percent were also positive for heroin, and approximately 26 percent were positive for cocaine. read the full report HERE

Get Help for Heroin Addiction NOW
If you are seeking a free or sliding fee scale program, we have some resources listed below for treatment in some of the more populated cities in Pennsylvania. Due to some overcrowding in the jails, there may be a bit of a wait for some treatment centers, due to the deferred prosecution clients coming from the criminal justice system. We can help you enter a free rehab center today. Call us now to discuss your treatment options.1-800-513-5423
716 East 2nd Street
Oil City, PA 16301
Outpatient, Substance Abuse Treatment for Women and Children
Outpatient, Substance Abuse Treatment for Women and Children
156 West Schoolhouse Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Sliding fee scale program, Low Cost Privately funded, Men Low-Cost Substance Abuse Treatment
Sliding fee scale program, Low Cost Privately funded, Men Low-Cost Substance Abuse Treatment
907 Hamilton Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Homeless Shelter, Transitional housing help, Rehab help for those seeking life without drugs
Homeless Shelter, Transitional housing help, Rehab help for those seeking life without drugs
329 East Wister Street
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Low-cost, long-term treatment program offering faith-based treatment for those in need, Residential Long-Term program based on a sliding fee scale, Substance Abuse Treatment Program, No Detox. Must be clean upon entry into the program.
Low-cost, long-term treatment program offering faith-based treatment for those in need, Residential Long-Term program based on a sliding fee scale, Substance Abuse Treatment Program, No Detox. Must be clean upon entry into the program.
1425 Arch Street
4th Floor
4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Criminal Justice Clients, court-ordered treatment programs, DUI_DWI Offenders, court-ordered drug testing, Outpatient treatment programs for primary care and aftercare,|Substance Abuse Treatment programs for first-time offenders needing deferment rehab options.
Criminal Justice Clients, court-ordered treatment programs, DUI_DWI Offenders, court-ordered drug testing, Outpatient treatment programs for primary care and aftercare,|Substance Abuse Treatment programs for first-time offenders needing deferment rehab options.
1020 North 48th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19131
Adolescent and teen treatment for heroin dependency, Residential Long-Term Treatment for teens battling heroin addiction in Philadelphia| Substance Abuse Treatment program for kids
401 E. Girard Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19125
Free treatment and transitional housing help for the indigent, Homeless Shelter
Free treatment and transitional housing help for the indigent, Homeless Shelter
865 West North Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Low-cost treatment, Insurance accepted, aftercare, aftercare, and primary treatment program, low-cost Residential Long-Term Treatment for Heroin addiction, Sober Living Houses, Substance Abuse Treatment, and heroin rehab center
10 E. North Avenue (P.O. Box 6823)
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Free Treatment Low-cost options, Residential Long-Term Treatment treatment program for heroin addicts in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Free Treatment Low-cost options, Residential Long-Term Treatment treatment program for heroin addicts in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
33 Teen Challenge Road
Rehrersburg, PA 19550
Free treatment, low-cost private, residential long-term (6 months or longer), must be cleaned upon entering NO DETOX.
Free treatment, low-cost private, residential long-term (6 months or longer), must be cleaned upon entering NO DETOX.
220 Challenge Lane P.O. Box 55
Rural Ridge, PA 15024
Low-cost treatment programs, heroin rehab, and residential long-term, free substance abuse treatment must be clean, with no noticeable withdrawal symptoms present at the time of intake.
Low-cost treatment programs, heroin rehab, and residential long-term, free substance abuse treatment must be clean, with no noticeable withdrawal symptoms present at the time of intake.
363-373 West Market Street

Service Type
Heroin Addiction Treatment Programs in Pennsylvania
Helping people in Pennsylvania find rehab centers for heroin addiction
DescriptionLearn about heroin addiction and how we can help you locate the best heroin addiction treatment center in the state of Pennsylvania. Call us toll free at 1-800-513-5423 today.