Heroin Addiction Treatment Programs in Missouri
Please contact us by phone for immediate assistance. This is a necessary step in beginning the recovery process for yourself or a loved one. Our addiction treatment specialists and staff have over 25 years of experience in helping people find effective and affordable treatment for all addictions. What you tell us is completely confidential. We are HIPAA compliant. We are here to answer your questions and to get you (or a loved one) into treatment today. For immediate intake, call us now.

Types Of Heroin Treatment Programs
DETOX: Heroin addiction can sometimes include other drugs so it is very important to make sure that you disclose all of the drugs you are currently taking and have taken in the past 6 months. This will help the detox center better diagnose and prescribe the best medications to make your detox go smoothly and as pain-free as possible. Do not try to detox on your own. Heroin withdrawal can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the length of heroin use, and the amount of heroin being abused on a daily basis.
Inpatient rehabs: Detox should be followed by an extensive stay, at a heroin inpatient treatment program. Most of the people who have fought heroin addiction have one thing in common: They recovered from their addiction at an inpatient heroin rehab center. Some people can find sobriety in an outpatient treatment program but due to the temptations and availability to go find heroin, this type of program is less effective in treating the addiction as a whole. The typical stay for someone recovering from heroin addiction can vary from center to center and usually consists of 30-90-day programs.
Private Inpatient drug rehabs offer the best results for long-lasting sobriety from Heroin addiction. The best treatment facilities for heroin will offer different types of treatment models and detox options for the person who is suffering from the adverse effects of heroin.
Court-ordered treatment: There are many Drug Rehab Facilities that accept criminal justice clients and people with open court cases as an alternative to jail. County and state courts will often suggest treatment in place of jail time for some first-time offender cases.
State-funded heroin treatment programs: Missouri has set aside some resources for the treatment of heroin addiction. Please call our specialists to find out if you qualify for these state-funded rehab programs that are offered in Missouri.

Find Drug Rehabs Near Me
We can help you locate treatment for addiction in your area or anywhere in the country. To locate AA meetings, group meetings, 12-step programs, inpatient treatment, or outpatient services in your town give us a call. There are many options for drug rehab services in many cities in Missouri.1-800-513-5423
Blue Springs, Missouri Drug RehabsBranson, Missouri Addiction Treatment
Joplin, MO Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
Lee’s Summit, Missouri Substance Abuse Treatment
O’Fallon, MO 30/90-Day Treatment Centers
Ozark, Missouri Inpatient Drug Rehab Programs
Springfield, Missouri Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs
St. Charles MO. Detox Centers and Drug Rehabs
St. Louis, Missouri Addiction Treatment Facilities

Heroin Addiction Medications and Uses
*To locate a doctor who can prescribe medications for a painless withdrawal, please give us a call and we will help you find the closest addiction doctor to you in Missouri.

Addiction Stats for the State of Missouri
Heroin addicts are not like other addicts in the aspect that they will hear of someone who overdosed on a bad batch of heroin and actively try to find the heroin responsible, chasing the better high. This leads to even more overdoses and deaths. Heroin addiction treatment and recovery programs offer an option for heroin addicts to receive treatment for their addictions. The heroin epidemic in Missouri is dire and is seriously in need of attention before it spills further into the mainstream of drug addiction in the state. According to the CDC, Heroin has caused more overdoses in the Midwest compared to the rest of the regions in the country. There have been 4 times as many fatal overdoses from 2013-2016 as there were from 2000-2003. This is leaving a question as to why are so many people dying from heroin overdoses in the Midwest, and how do we stop or slow down the trend? Getting people the help that they need is the only answer to the epidemic that Missouri is facing. Treatment and detox options in the state are experiencing an overwhelming need for more beds and detox centers. With the federal government trying to allocate more funding for Heroin and opioid treatment throughout the country, we may get the much-needed funding to handle our own problem here in Missouri. read the full report HERE

Get Help for Heroin Addiction NOW
If you are seeking a free or sliding fee scale program, we have some resources listed below for treatment in some of the more populated cities in Missouri. Due to some overcrowding in the jails, there may be a bit of a wait for some treatment centers, due to the deferred prosecution clients coming from the criminal justice system. We can help you enter a free rehab center today. Call us now to discuss your treatment options.1-800-513-5423
Valley Hope
Offering Medical detox and short-term treatment options for heroin addicts
Outpatient treatment options, Methadone treatment, medically supervised detox, and counseling services are provided.
Va Hospital Harry Truman Medical Center
Detox for Heroin and opioids, PHP programs, and substance abuse treatment for veterans in Missouri.
High Ridge, MO 63049
1520 Cherry St
Kansas City, MO 64108