LifeRing Secular Recovery
LifeRing Secular Recovery provides a great resource for those who are looking for an abstinence-based secular rehab center program. The program that they offer is a self-empowering addiction recovery journey through their meetings and support network. This rehab center program is self-supporting and a free-standing, democratically run organization that is not affiliated with any other group or methodology.
The 3-s philosophy of LifeRing
LifeRing uses 3 principles to help people overcome addiction: sobriety, secularity, and self-help.Sobriety. Sobriety can mean many things to people, and in dictionaries, at LifeRing, it means abstinence. The number one requirement for enrollment is the desire to remain and maintain abstinence from alcohol and other illicit drugs. LifeRing accepts people regardless of their drug of choice but emphasizes that full abstinence, including alcohol, drugs, or medications that have been abused, must be stopped completely. The motto for this program is that “we do not drink or use, no matter what.”
Secularity. LifeRing is welcoming to people of different faiths and those who have none. This secular drug rehab center program stresses that you keep whatever religious beliefs you may have and are under no pressure to find one if you do not have one or want one. Meeting discussions refrain from bringing up topics related to religion or anti-religion, instead focusing on the topic at hand,” sobriety.” Group members are free to attend other self-help programs like AA/NA, But LifeRing supports recovery methods that stress the importance of recovery methods that rely on human efforts rather than divine intervention.
Self-Help. Self-help is stressed to be one of the keys to recovery and through the individual’s own motivation and effort, a long-lasting recovery can happen. The main purpose of this group is to build a foundation and reinforce the individual’s own inner power to stay clean and sober. LifeRing does not have steps to go through other than abstinence and is not aligned with any particular doctrine. LifeRing is compatible with most abstinence-based therapeutic or counseling programs.

Is the LifeRing secular recovery program free?
This program is a free secular drug and alcohol treatment program, but they do ask for a donation to help offset the costs associated with running a free service to the public. The program also has literature and companion modules you can purchase. These books can help the individual gain a better understanding of the principles of self-help and taking responsibility and charge over one’s life.Inpatient secular rehab center programs and LifeRing
The LifeRing secular rehab center program will be a great choice for those who have completed an inpatient secular rehab center program and are looking for a support group that is not 12 steps. Most professional counselors and doctors will agree that for best results, inpatient rehab center programs work best when followed up with an aftercare program, group therapy, or meetings. For those looking for secular group therapy programs, LifeRing may be the right choice. If you need help finding inpatient or outpatient secular rehab centers, give us a call. Immediate assistance is available with same-day admittance.To find a meeting near you or a virtual Zoom meeting you can visit their website and get started today.
LifeRing Meetings
What is LifeRing?
Erik Epp – Content Author