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Family members sitting in a circle with an intervention specialist helping their loved one get treatment for

Intervention Help and Intervention Services in Louisiana

 When you are looking for a solution to help a family member who is struggling with substance use disorder, it is always best to seek professional intervention services in Louisiana. The right intervention specialist for your loved one can make the difference between success and failure. When most people search online for interventionist teams, they use the search term “interventionists near me” which can lead to results that are not necessarily appropriate for the specific circumstances. Choosing an interventionist who has some reality with the specific addiction may have better results that will lead to a common ground between the person holding the intervention and the individual who needs to realize that they do need the help that is being offered. A successful intervention can change your loved one’s life. You owe it to them to do whatever it takes to get them the help they so desperately need.

When your spouse, teen, adult child, friend, or any other loved one is facing an underlying addiction problem in their life and they don’t want to get help, an intervention is necessary. It is imperative that you get them help from a professionally trained interventionist team. The interventions will assist you from start to finish of the intervention process. They will ensure that once your loved one accepts help, they will be admitted into the best treatment program for their addiction needs. After their drug rehab therapy is concluded, they will be able to return to a healthy home setting with a more positive and fresh outlook on life. Trained intervention specialists in Louisiana help families reclaim their loved one’s lives. Our certified addiction specialists can help you narrow down the search parameters for interventionists in your area.


Intervention Help in Louisiana are for people who need to go to treatment for addiction.
What is an intervention?

Interventions are the act of interfering with the outcome or course, especially of a condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning). Interventions for addiction in Louisiana, are planned, controlled attempts at getting someone to agree to enter treatment for their addiction. The planning and training for intervention are done without the addict’s knowledge to ensure that everyone is fully trained on what to expect during the intervention process. Family and friends get together with the help of an intervention specialist, to discuss with the addict how addiction has affected not only their lives but those around them. If treatment is refused after the sharing portion of the intervention, the family and friends spell out the consequences that will ensue after the intervention has been completed. Drug or alcohol interventions work best if there is a professional present to help with the training and planning of the event.

Family Training and Intervention Preparation

To start the process of any successful intervention will be to decide that there is enough significant evidence of drug or alcohol dependency to warrant intervening. Once the family has decided that the person in question needs help, they should then talk to a professional to find out if there is even a need for an intervention. After you have concluded that there is a need for family intervention, deciding on the right interventionist team will help the process.

Information gathering is the first thing that a trained interventionist will do. Finding out all the information that the family has on the specifics of the addiction will help formulate a plan and help there be a more positive outcome. With the complexity of drug addiction and understanding that drug dependency stems from much deeper issues, intervention specialists can help you understand the intervention process in its entirety. 

Family training for holding a proactive intervention can make the difference between a failure, and a successful intervention. A few days before the actual intervention is a family training and education course. This vital step of any intervention held in Louisiana will not only help you understand the addiction process but also give you a sense of how to deal with this disease.  During family training, there will be a time when you will have to decide on specific consequences if your loved one refuses the gift of help you are offering to them.  Holding the intervention usually takes place in a neutral setting or a place where the addict feels at home. This helps to avoid making them feel uncomfortable.

Once the intervention is complete, it is of utmost importance to take the individual directly to the treatment facility of choice to ensure a smooth transition from the intervention to the facility.
Interventions in Louisiana can range in cost from a professional service from about $1000 plus expenses to $4,500, plus expenses. Finding an interventionist that is local in your county can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in travel expenses. Sometimes there are good intervention specialists in your city that can help lower the costs by saving lodging and airfare fees.

Intervention Process and Steps of Intervention

Planning the intervention is the first step. Family members or friends start to gather other family and close friends for a group meeting. It is recommended that there is a professional present during all stages of the intervention process.  There is always a chance that there may be an angry or violent reaction from the addict. It is highly recommended to get a third party involved in the intervention. Be sure to have all the information as to what the person is having problems with and to what extent the addiction is perceived to be. This information should be gathered before the intervention starts. Making arrangements with a treatment center for addiction will be needed before the intervention takes place, to ensure a seamless transition from the intervention to the treatment center. Decide who can and is willing to participate in the intervention process. In most cases 4-8 people are involved; including family, friends, teachers, co-workers, clergy, or anyone that is a positive influence in their lives. Be sure not to include anyone who is using drugs or can be antagonistic during the intervention process.

Each person who is involved in the intervention needs to decide what they will do if the addict refuses to get help with their addiction. The consequences for not entering treatment need to be something that can be followed through on, to make the individual in question feel the severity of not getting help. Examples of this may include withdrawing any financial support, asking them to move out, or stopping all communication with family or friends until they receive the help they need. Your drug interventionist will assist you with this very important step in the intervention process. 

Have a written plan on what you are gonna say during the intervention; and specific incidents that have caused destructive behaviors or actions. Financial and emotional breakdowns are the most common occurrences in early addictions and can grow in intensity as the addiction continues unchecked. Including how much the person means to you, will help you convey the need for them to enter into treatment. Be sure not to include antagonistic arguments, name-calling, or anything that can be perceived by them to be judgmental rhetoric in your letter. 

When the day of the intervention finally arrives, The addict is invited to the intervention without their knowledge of the true reason for the meeting. The attendees take their turns going through their letters filled with concern that they have written for the addict to hear. The option to enter treatment will be presented at this point which must be accepted or rejected at this time. Everyone must detail the consequences to the addict if treatment is refused. If treatment is accepted, having the treatment program already in place makes the transition seamless, allowing the addict to enter into a treatment program the very same day. Interventions can become very emotional and having an interventionist there will help to keep the intervention moving in the right direction as they are not emotionally involved allowing them to take the role of moderator during the whole process. If you are looking for an interventionist close to you, give us a call and we can help.

Once the intervention is finished and the person has agreed to go to treatment for their addiction, it is important to remain supportive so the addict can stay sober and avoid relapse. While in treatment, there are opportunities for loved ones to participate in group counseling and conflict resolution. Finding a treatment center that has aftercare will help the individual remain on their program after treatment has been completed. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has done numerous studies in both inpatient and outpatient treatment and those who complete a program and continue with their aftercare for a year or more have a 90% success rate.

To get help finding an interventionist or to set up treatment in a drug rehab center please give us a call to be immediately assisted.


Pets allowed at some drug rehab centers in the United States
What is an intervention?

Interventions are the act of interfering with the outcome or course, especially of a condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning). Interventions for addiction in Louisiana, are planned, controlled attempts at getting someone to agree to enter treatment for their addiction. The planning and training for intervention are done without the addict’s knowledge to ensure that everyone is fully trained on what to expect during the intervention process. Family and friends get together with the help of an intervention specialist, to discuss with the addict how addiction has affected not only their lives but those around them. If treatment is refused after the sharing portion of the intervention, the family and friends spell out the consequences that will ensue after the intervention has been completed. Drug or alcohol interventions work best if there is a professional present to help with the training and planning of the event.

Family Training and Intervention Preparation

To start the process of any successful intervention will be to decide that there is enough significant evidence of drug or alcohol dependency to warrant intervening. Once the family has decided that the person in question needs help, they should then talk to a professional to find out if there is even a need for an intervention. After you have concluded that there is a need for family intervention, deciding on the right interventionist team will help the process.

Information gathering is the first thing that a trained interventionist will do. Finding out all the information that the family has on the specifics of the addiction will help formulate a plan and help there be a more positive outcome. With the complexity of drug addiction and understanding that drug dependency stems from much deeper issues, intervention specialists can help you understand the intervention process in its entirety. 

Family training for holding a proactive intervention can make the difference between a failure, and a successful intervention. A few days before the actual intervention is a family training and education course. This vital step of any intervention held in Louisiana will not only help you understand the addiction process but also give you a sense of how to deal with this disease.  During family training, there will be a time when you will have to decide on specific consequences if your loved one refuses the gift of help you are offering to them.  Holding the intervention usually takes place in a neutral setting or a place where the addict feels at home. This helps to avoid making them feel uncomfortable.

Once the intervention is complete, it is of utmost importance to take the individual directly to the treatment facility of choice to ensure a smooth transition from the intervention to the facility.
Interventions in Louisiana can range in cost from a professional service from about $1000 plus expenses to $4,500, plus expenses. Finding an interventionist that is local in your county can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in travel expenses. Sometimes there are good intervention specialists in your city that can help lower the costs by saving lodging and airfare fees.

Intervention Process and Steps of Intervention

Planning the intervention is the first step. Family members or friends start to gather other family and close friends for a group meeting. It is recommended that there is a professional present during all stages of the intervention process.  There is always a chance that there may be an angry or violent reaction from the addict. It is highly recommended to get a third party involved in the intervention. Be sure to have all the information as to what the person is having problems with and to what extent the addiction is perceived to be. This information should be gathered before the intervention starts. Making arrangements with a treatment center for addiction will be needed before the intervention takes place, to ensure a seamless transition from the intervention to the treatment center. Decide who can and is willing to participate in the intervention process. In most cases 4-8 people are involved; including family, friends, teachers, co-workers, clergy, or anyone that is a positive influence in their lives. Be sure not to include anyone who is using drugs or can be antagonistic during the intervention process.

Each person who is involved in the intervention needs to decide what they will do if the addict refuses to get help with their addiction. The consequences for not entering treatment need to be something that can be followed through on, to make the individual in question feel the severity of not getting help. Examples of this may include withdrawing any financial support, asking them to move out, or stopping all communication with family or friends until they receive the help they need. Your drug interventionist will assist you with this very important step in the intervention process. 

Have a written plan on what you are gonna say during the intervention; and specific incidents that have caused destructive behaviors or actions. Financial and emotional breakdowns are the most common occurrences in early addictions and can grow in intensity as the addiction continues unchecked. Including how much the person means to you, will help you convey the need for them to enter into treatment. Be sure not to include antagonistic arguments, name-calling, or anything that can be perceived by them to be judgmental rhetoric in your letter. 

When the day of the intervention finally arrives, The addict is invited to the intervention without their knowledge of the true reason for the meeting. The attendees take their turns going through their letters filled with concern that they have written for the addict to hear. The option to enter treatment will be presented at this point which must be accepted or rejected at this time. Everyone must detail the consequences to the addict if treatment is refused. If treatment is accepted, having the treatment program already in place makes the transition seamless, allowing the addict to enter into a treatment program the very same day. Interventions can become very emotional and having an interventionist there will help to keep the intervention moving in the right direction as they are not emotionally involved allowing them to take the role of moderator during the whole process. If you are looking for an interventionist close to you, give us a call and we can help.

Once the intervention is finished and the person has agreed to go to treatment for their addiction, it is important to remain supportive so the addict can stay sober and avoid relapse. While in treatment, there are opportunities for loved ones to participate in group counseling and conflict resolution. Finding a treatment center that has aftercare will help the individual remain on their program after treatment has been completed. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has done numerous studies in both inpatient and outpatient treatment and those who complete a program and continue with their aftercare for a year or more have a 90% success rate.

To get help finding an interventionist or to set up treatment in a drug rehab center please give us a call to be immediately assisted. 


Baton Rouge, Louisiana Drug Rehabs
Bossier City, LA. Addiction Treatment
Lafayette, Louisiana Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
Lake Charles, Louisiana Substance Abuse Treatment
Monroe, Louisiana 30/90 Day Treatment Centers
New Orleans, La. Inpatient Drug Rehab Programs

Louisiana addiction statistics and national trends are provided to help understand the scope and consequences that addiction can have if left unchecked.

Louisiana percentage of the state’s population drug use in the fiscal year 2015 the latest SAMHSA statistics available.

Louisiana has some of the highest prescription abuse problems in the country. There are an estimated 96-143 prescriptions written for every 100 people.

Marijuana use in Louisiana in the past month estimates for the age group 12-17 is estimated at 5.33% of the population and 6.43% for those in the age group over 18.

Cocaine use statistics in Louisiana are estimated at 0.44% for the 12-17 age group and for those over the age of 18, it is estimated that 1.88% of the population has used cocaine in the past year.

Heroin use in Louisiana for the age group 12-17 is estimated to be 0.05% and over 18 the percentage of people that use heroin is estimated to be 0.17% of the population.

Alcohol use among those 12 to 17 years of age is 10.75% of the population and for the 18 and over demographic 54.22% used alcohol in the last month.

Those that have had serious thoughts of suicide in the state of Louisiana over the past statistical year 2015 are only available for the population over 18 at 4.19%of the population.

According to statistics and data released on Dec 8th, 2015, there has been a significant rise in the deaths that have been attributed to drug or alcohol overdoses. The United States has surpassed 50,000 deaths a year, attributed to drugs or alcohol. This surpasses car accidents as the leading cause of death for the first time in history, which is higher than the number of deaths recorded for the last 15 years. This rise constitutes a significant 6.5% increase in just one year from 13.8 per 100 thousand people to 14.7 per 100,000 people in 2014 alone.


Brief Interventions
Evidence-Based Psychosocial Interventions in Substance Use
Harm Reduction
National Academy of Medicine

Erik Epp – Content Author
Intervention Help and Intervention Services in Louisiana
Service Type
Intervention Help and Intervention Services in Louisiana
Louisiana based interventionist teams, early intervention for drug addiction
Finding the right intervention specialist for your loved one can make the difference between success and failure. A successful intervention can change your loved one's life. You owe it to them to try to do whatever it takes to get them the help that they so desperately need. We can help in starting an intervention to help someone go to rehab for an addiction to drugs or alcohol.


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