Christian Intervention Services
Interventions that are performed by Christian interventionists can be one of the most effective interventions that can be held for a Christian suffering from the adverse effects of addiction. Most interventionists use the Johnson Model of Intervention. Our family intervention specialists are here to assist you in matching you with an interventionist who will not only be able to relate with the addict involved but one that the family can relate with as well.When do you hold an intervention for someone addicted to drugs or alcohol?
Waiting until the addict comes to us for help, is what we all hope will happen when we have a person in our lives that needs help with an addiction. Sadly, this is usually not the case and is actually very rare. Most addicts, when they are using drugs or alcohol, have distanced themselves from family, friends, church, any self-betterment group, and any influence that is not doing what they are doing.
As Christians and servants of God, we just can’t stand around and wait until something adverse happens and hope they come to us for help. It is our responsibility to help them make the right choice and a Faith-based Intervention is the best answer to the problem at hand. Please contact us for help with setting up an intervention today. We are here to speak with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Intervention Process
Starting with the initial consultation over the phone with one of our Christian counselors, we will start to understand the scope and type of addiction we have to confront. We will also help you with ideas and suggestions on how to handle the addict while we get the intervention put into action.Once we have a plan and a location to hold the intervention, we will start to contact family, friends, coworkers, and anyone else whom the person whom we are holding the intervention interacts with regularly, and who is not using drugs or alcohol. We need to be careful in the selection of people to be present at the intervention so we can maintain a positive environment and a positive group.
Training for Christian intervention starts in the form of a Pre-Intervention. This is the intervention of the family as well as training on how to hold a family intervention. On this day of training and discovery, we will discuss and disclose how we, as a group, have enabled the person that we love to be able to continue their usage, consequence-free. As we move along to addictive behaviors and warning signs, we start to realize the scope of the person’s addiction and the real need for help. Usually, when we arrive to hold an intervention, the family does not even know the real scope of the addiction we are fighting.

Eliminating the “What Ifs”
When we learn all the main reasons why an addict cannot commit to treatment at this time, we will then address each excuse by working with employers, and any other obligations that could possibly be used as an excuse for the person to keep on doing what they have been doing. Which is being addicted to drugs or alcohol. There is never a good time to go to a Christian Treatment Center and if we waited for a good time for them to commit to going to rehab, they could be dead.
Holding the Intervention
We gather at the meeting place and pray that Jesus will give us the strength to deliver our friend or family member from the grips of addiction. We also pray that God will grant us the patience to undertake the task that is laid out before us. Once the loved one arrives, they will be greeted with smiles and love. It is important to make them feel loved and be surrounded by family and friends. Introductions are made and then the Christian interventionist will bring up the topic of the family’s concerns and tell them why we are all there lowers the anxiety of the loved one.The intervention starts with stories, good and bad, and concerns about how things are not the same anymore. We all just want our loved ones back. We use the training and the tools that were learned the previous day to get them to agree that treatment is the best option as they start to hear of the consequences if they choose to not enter treatment. If the loved one is at the point where they are not in agreement on treatment, they will start to realize that all the enabling that has been facilitating their addiction will stop. One by one we pull things away until they realize that they are at the bottom and need help. Everyone has a bottom and at that point, we can offer solutions to their problems and get an agreement for help.
The main reasons that interventions fail
The family tries to hold the intervention on their own, without training and help.A member of the intervention group is in agreement with the addict.
The family does not follow through with consequences.
There is an antagonistic person at the intervention.
Someone tips off the addict to the intervention.

Give us a call today if you think that you have someone in your life who needs to stop the use of drugs or alcohol. Waiting for the right time is never a good idea, as there is no perfect time to hold an intervention for the addict. Once we have started the process of setting up an intervention, we can usually be there within 3-5 days. If the need is more severe, we can have one of our interventionists there within 48 hours depending on location and scheduling issues that may arise.
Isaiah 30:15 In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.