DWI Deferment and DUI Court Referral Programs in Georgia
If you have been pulled over and arrested for a drinking and driving offense in Georgia there are a few things that you can do to help stay out of jail and hopefully, avoid a life-changing DUI conviction. Depending on the type of charges you have, you may be required to complete a DWI or DUI Court Referral Program in Georgia. DUI Court is a voluntary, post-conviction, treatment-based program for people who have been convicted multiple times for driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. A new Georgia law for DUI was put into law on April 28, 2019, requesting a hearing within 30 days after your arrest for DUI. Now a breath, blood, or urine test can be requested, but refusing to do the breath alcohol test cannot be used against you in court.
A DUI or DWI conviction in Georgia is not something to be taken lightly. It can have serious life-altering consequences far-reaching into many areas of your life. There are treatment options in the state of Georgia. We have helped thousands of people over the years avoid significant jail time, fines, and license revocation periods. Getting help for underlying alcohol addiction will help the courts determine if you are taking full responsibility for driving under the influence and breaking the law. Call us today and let us help you with your drinking and driving arrest and help you find an alcohol recovery program. Addiction No More ® can not give legal advice however if you are looking for rehabilitation for addiction we can help you find treatment in your area or anywhere in the country. Give us a call today and we can help.
What to do if you have been arrested for drinking and driving in Georgia
Drinking and driving in Georgia can be a serious offense and the consequences can have life-changing outcomes. If you have been pulled over, make sure that you know your rights and remain courteous at all times. Being compliant and courteous can affect the outcome of the court’s layout as punishment.Driving under the influence: Driving under the influence (DUI) Driving while intoxicated (DWI) and operating a motor vehicle under the influence (OUI). These are the common terms used to describe operating a motorized vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In Georgia, driving while intoxicated is considered a misdemeanor and is subject to the state’s laws regarding driving while drunk.
DWI/DUI diversion rehabs in Georgia are very familiar with the court-mandated treatment requirements that the courts have imposed for their court-ordered alcohol rehab centers. Some court-ordered DUI deferment programs will include alcohol evaluations and at the very least, alcohol and drug classes for first-time offenders. This can cost anywhere from $1000-2500 dollars with the fines, not including lawyer fees and bail.
If this is your second offense, getting involved in a treatment program for alcohol abuse will not only help your ongoing DWI-DUI case but benefit you as well. You should always enter into an alcohol treatment program knowing that there is a need for a change before something worse happens. Driving and Drinking can cost you your life or even worse someone else life.
Treatment programs in Georgia for criminal justice clients will work with the court system to handle all the requirements for treatment to be considered time served. Once all the financial consequences are paid by the defendant and community service is completed if any Georgia district court may terminate the probation period. Driving under the influence can damage many people’s lives other than yourself. Getting treatment for your alcohol dependency can help you understand that the risks of drinking and driving heavily outweigh the rewards. Sometimes, all it takes is to talk to someone who has had the burden of having someone die due to their alcohol consumption and driving under the influence. Our counselors are ready to take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
DUI First-Offender and Diversion Programs
The First Offenders Act under O.C.G.A. 42-6-80 allows those who are facing their first offense to plead guilty or if the Court accepts it “no contest” (nolo contendere) without being convicted. Unlike other crimes that can be given The First Offenders Act or a one-time diversion or conditional discharge, drunk driving or drugged driving are banned in Georgia. No one who has been convicted of a first DWI offense can obtain any such record-clearing benefits.The laws are different in each state for DWI offenses that allow for deferment programs instead of jail time. Some states, depending on the circumstances, will mandate treatment and community service. Some of these mandates can be handled while in treatment for alcohol abuse. Georgia has a deferment program for first-time DWI offenders as long as there are no injuries, accidents, or drugs involved. If you have been arrested for your second DWI/DUI in Georgia, it is highly recommended that you give us a call to find out your options for a deferment program instead of jail time. This will help with the possible consequences that the courts may impose on you. Drinking and driving can have serious outcomes including vehicular homicide, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and other very serious charges. When a minor is involved, there are more serious outcomes that the courts in Georgia can impose on the offender. If there has been an accident or death due to drinking and driving there will be significant jail time imposed as well as the knowledge that your indulgence cost someone their life. If you have an open DWI case in Georgia, call us and we can help you locate a deferment program in your county that works with DUI and DWI offenders.

Consequences of driving drunk in Georgia
Georgia has specific drinking and driving laws and penalties for people who have been convicted of a DUI/DWI. Minimum and maximum fines and penalties are at the discretion of the judge and prosecuting attorney depending on many different factors and circumstances surrounding the case.First Offense: First-time offenders will be facing a mandatory sentence of 10 days up to 12 months in jail, with fines ranging from $300-$1,000. Complete a county-certified first-time offenders program and at least 40 hours of community service. Driving privileges can be revoked for up to two months with the ability to apply for reinstatement after 120 days.
Second Offense: 2nd-time Conviction of a drinking and driving offense in Georgia within 5 years since the first DWI conviction will result in the following consequences. Fines between $600 and $1000, 30 days of community service, a prison sentence minimum of 120 days, and up to a year of incarceration. Driver’s license privileges are suspended for a period of no less than 18 months up to 3 years at the discretion of the court system.
Third Offense: 3rd DUI Conviction within 10 years of the first drunk driving infraction will result in fines ranging from $1,000-$5,000, 30 days of service for the community, and a prison sentence ranging from a minimum of 120 days up to 12 months incarceration. Driving privileges are revoked for no less than 5 years and after that, the offender may apply for reinstatement of driving privileges. 3rd offense in the state of Georgia can result in the forfeiture of the individual’s vehicle under the habitual violator laws and is subject to public sale.

Find Deferred Prosecution Rehabs Near Me
Please contact us by phone for immediate assistance. This is a necessary step in beginning the recovery process for yourself or for a loved one. Our addiction treatment specialists and staff have over 25 years of experience in helping people find effective and affordable treatment for all addictions. What you tell us is completely confidential. We are HIPAA compliant. We are here to answer your questions and to get you (or a loved one) into treatment today. For immediate intake, call us now.1-800-513-5423
We can help you locate treatment for addiction in your area or anywhere in the country. To locate AA meetings, group meetings, 12-step programs, inpatient treatment, or outpatient services in your town give us a call. There are many options for drug rehab services in many cities in Georgia.Atlanta, Georgia Alcohol Rehabs
Augusta GA Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Columbus Georgia Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
Decatur, Georgia Alcoholism Treatment Facilities
Gainesville, GA Substance Abuse Treatment
Johns Creek Georgia 30, 90-day Inpatient Treatment Facilities
Marietta GA Alcohol Rehab Centers for Addiction
Milton, Georgia Residential Treatment Homes
Savannah, Georgia Detox and Alcohol Rehab Programs
Treatment for alcoholism in place of jail time in Georgia is a very common outcome for those seeking help to end their addictions. If you have an open DWI case in Georgia, call us and we can help you locate a deferment program in your county that works with DUI and DWI offenders. We can help you find the best rehab center for alcohol misuse today. Addiction No More ® is an Addiction Treatment Center locator service. For immediate service, please call one of our counselors 24/7.
DUI Court
An Evaluation of Three Driving-Under-the-Influence Courts in Georgia