• +1-800-513-5423
Marijuana Abuse Treatment centers get to the bottom of the addiction and help you overcome using cannabis to cope.

Teen Cannabis Use

 It is often teenagers who need to go to treatment for marijuana addiction. Due to the availability and in some states, legality of marijuana, there is a real concern of children over-medicating with marijuana that is meant for medical patients. Teenagers who start to abuse marijuana at a young age, can have some developmental issues. There is still very little understanding of how this drug can affect the growth and emotional stability of children who abuse marijuana. While most people recognize the medical benefits of cannabis and consider marijuana a harmless drug, some people, especially teens can develop a dependency on the drug and will need help overcoming this addiction.

Please contact us by phone for immediate assistance. This is a necessary step in beginning the recovery process for yourself or for a loved one. Our addiction treatment specialists and staff have over 25 years of experience in helping people find effective and affordable treatment for all addictions. What you tell us is completely confidential. We are HIPAA compliant. We are here to answer your questions and to get you (or a loved one) into treatment today. For immediate intake, call us now.


What you will learn:
Does my teen need to go to rehab for marijuana use?
If I send my kid to rehab for marijuana will the come out wanting to use other drugs?
How to get help for a teen or adolescent who has been using Marijuana.
Will your son or daughter become addicted to marijuana if they are just vaping it?
Is Delta-8 or Delta-9 the same thing as marijuana?
Signs of marijuana use and abuse
THC Edibles
If your teenager has overdosed on edibles, should you send them to rehab?
Dabbing and Teen Mental Health
Outpatient vs Inpatient Treatment

Smoking cannabis

Does my teen need to go to rehab for marijuana use?

Teenagers and adolescents can benefit greatly from a rehab center program even if they are only using marijuana. Treatment for a marijuana overuse problem can help them understand the dangers of addiction and how that can start them down a path of addiction that will have long-lasting consequences throughout their lifetime. Not only has marijuana been proven to have lasting effects on brain development in teens and adolescents, but it can also open them up to a different culture that may or may not use other substances along with marijuana. Getting a teen help before something adverse happens to them is the best thing that you can do for them.

If I send my kid to rehab for marijuana will the come out wanting to use other drugs?

This is a real concern for parents who have found out their kids are using marijuana, Delta-8 or Delta-9, and are considering sending them to rehab for their addiction. The most frequently used drugs for those that are of the ages 12-17 are alcohol and marijuana. There is really no reason to worry that your son or daughter will leave with a new addiction to pursue. Even if there are people there who have used harder drugs, your son or daughter will see how that has affected their lives and how bad addiction can become. They will most likely never want to try those types of drugs.

How to get help for a teen or adolescent who has been using Marijuana.

If you suspect your teen has become addicted to Marijuana and would like to discuss treatment types or options for them, you can give us a call and we will help you find effective and affordable treatment programs. Sending your son or daughter to rehab for teens can be a difficult choice for most parents and we are here to help. When looking for marijuana use disorder treatment for a teenager or young adult, it is important to remember that you are doing this for their future and their present problems at the same time. With early intervention and treatment, you may save your child years of drug or alcohol dependency problems while giving them a great foundation for the rest of their lives.


Medical marijuana vapes.Medical cannabis or marijuana also comes in oil or vape form.

Will your son or daughter become addicted to marijuana if they are just vaping it?

Vaping marijuana can lead to marijuana use disorder in some teens. 3 out of 10 people who use marijuana develop a marijuana use disorder and could benefit from substance use treatment to help them overcome the addiction. Vaping Marijuana is a concentrated form of THC which can have almost immediate effects on the user. Some of these products can become addictive to the user as they become accustomed to the effects leading them to want more. Marijuana dependence can lead to more use as the individual has built up a tolerance to Marijuana and will need a larger dose to have a similar effect as before. In some cases, it can lead to the use of other substances that are highly addictive and a lot harder to stop on their own.

Is Delta-8 or Delta-9 the same thing as marijuana?

“Nearly all the Delta-8 or Delta-9 you can buy is made in labs with cannabidiol (CBD) from hemp plants along with several chemicals. It’s much more potent than the THC found in nature. Because the FDA doesn’t regulate the chemical process to make delta-8 or delta-9, these products aren’t tested for safety or quality. Harmful chemicals could be used to make them or created during the process.” (WEB MD)

Teens are more likely to try pot and become addicted.

Signs of marijuana use and abuse

How to tell if your teen is high. When someone uses marijuana some signs can let you know what is going on. When kids use marijuana, you may notice mental and behavioral changes, and/or changes in appetite. Heavy abuse of Marijuana will exaggerate these symptoms. Below we have listed some of the well-known signs of marijuana use.

*Red Eyes
*Decreased reaction times
*Hampered cognitive ability
*Social withdrawal
*Changes in friends
*Hobbies suddenly stopped
*Social withdrawal
*Reduced coordination
*Difficulty paying attention
*Learning and memory problems
*Problems with home and school life
*Difficulty problem solving

Negative effects of cannabis abuse and teens:

*Impaired driving. Driving while impaired, including cannabis, is dangerous and illegal. Marijuana affects several different skills that are required for driving, like reaction time, concentration, and coordination. Some states test for marijuana when you get pulled over for suspected DWI.

Potential for Addiction: About 3 out of 10 people who use marijuana have developed a cannabis use disorder. The risks of developing a cannabis use disorder are greater for people who started using in their youth. Signs and symptoms of cannabis use disorder include trying to quit but failing and giving up activities with friends and family to use marijuana.

Increased mental health issues. Cannabis use has been linked to a wide range of mental health disorders, such as social anxiety and depression. For those who use marijuana regularly, there is an increased risk of developing temporary psychosis, hallucinations, altered state of reality, and paranoia. Long-lasting mental health disorders can include schizophrenia.

Edibles are a form of marijuana that has been infused into food products. These edibles often look like regular candies, sweets or snacks.

THC Edibles

THC Edibles are made from marijuana concentrates, or THC butter mixed in with baked goods, chocolate, candies, or gummies. These products often have high levels of THC used for managing pain, anxiety, or other conditions. Edible marijuana has the appearance of regular cookies or candies but can contain several times the recommended dose for adults. When kids take them, they can experience overdose effects such as intoxication, and paranoia, become sick to their stomach, or even have a panic attack.

Delta-8 and delta-9 edibles

The FDA does not regulate the chemical process to make delta-8 or delta-9. With that being said, these products are not tested for safety or quality. There may be harmful chemicals that have been used to make some of these products. Since there is no regulation, these products may be marketed in ways that can put the public at risk and should be kept out of reach for children. 

If your teenager has overdosed on edibles, should you send them to rehab?

This question cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. There can be many different variables that can determine this answer for you. You need to factor in these questions and answers to help you determine if your child needs rehab for an addiction to marijuana edibles. Was this a first-time use? How often do they use edibles? How long has the addiction been going on? Are they using other marijuana products? This will give you an idea about usage habits and help you determine how to proceed.

Cannabis concentrates are a highly potent form of marijuana that are made during an extraction process to extract specific compounds from the marijuana plant. The concentrates this process yields comes in different forms diamonds, wax, budder, shatter, and oils.

Dabbing and Teen Mental Health

Dabbing concentrates refers to the use of a dab rig or electronic vaporizer device used to heat up THC oil, or wax so they can inhale the vaporized smoke. This method has been becoming more popular among teens in the past few years.

Recent research suggests that there may be a direct correlation between teen dabbing and negative impacts on their mental health. With the high potency of the concentration available today, the levels of THC can increase the risks of anxiety, depression, and paranoia, especially in teens who are more susceptible to these conditions. Another concern is the cognitive function of teens who use concentrates. With the brain still developing the use of highly potent concentrates may play a part in this development. Studies have been done and shown that regular cannabis use during adolescence can harm cognitive abilities including memory, attention, and executive functioning.

Get your teen back. Enroll them into a teen drug rehab now.

Outpatient vs Inpatient Treatment

When considering sending your teenage son or daughter to rehab for a marijuana use disorder you may wonder which type of program is most effective in treating this condition. Different types of programs can work just as well as the other depending on the individual’s habits, support system, and willingness to work the program that they have chosen. Below we will lay out the differences between both types of programs so you can make an informed decision as to which type would best serve your child.

Inpatient treatment for marijuana use disorders:

Inpatient treatment is the most effective treatment program you could choose for those who have apprehensions about getting help for their marijuana use disorder. Inpatient marijuana treatment programs offer 24-hour-a-day supervision and a comprehensive treatment plan for teens looking to end their addiction to marijuana. This type of program will help get the teenager out of their environment and away from bad influences while enrolled in the program. Most programs that offer treatment to teens using marijuana last from 28-90 days depending on the program offerings. Short-term programs are the most popular form of treatment and can be a great choice for treatment and can be even more effective if it is followed up with an aftercare program for continued support.

Outpatient rehab center for teens using marijuana:

Outpatient treatment programs for marijuana abuse can be a great choice for those who have a willingness to end their cycle of addiction. Outpatient rehab programs for marijuana work with the client to develop a program that will work around their schedule. This type of program will rely heavily on the family and friends supporting the individual seeking treatment. If you are worried about your child still hanging out with bad influences during treatment it may be best to have them go to an inpatient treatment facility. If your child has the willingness and internal drive to become drug free, outpatient may be the best option for them to receive treatment.

If you are still unsure of which type of program would best suit you or a loved one, we can help. Our counselors are here to assist you immediately. We can help you get a better understanding of the treatment types and how they will benefit the person seeking treatment.


Rehab centers for teenagers can help the teen recover from addiction to drugs or alcohol.


Teens and adolescents who have undergone treatment for cannabis abuse have a better chance of leading a drug-free life once they have completed a treatment program. Learning how to deal with and handle everyday problems without the need to self-medicate will help them learn that there are different ways to handle stress and life challenges. Going to rehab can be a life-changing event that will help them learn how to handle life without the need to be high. We all have had bad days, weeks, or even years and have overcome these pitfalls without the need to use marijuana to get through the day. Getting help early before it becomes a lifelong addiction will set them up to succeed, which is the goal of every rehab center program.

If you need help finding treatment for a teen who has been overusing marijuana, please give us a call now and we will help you convince your child to enter treatment for their Marijuana misuse problems.


Licensed specialists are here to help you 24/7 Call 1-800-513-5423 for help now.

NIDA for Teens
Cannabis and Teens
web MD delta 8
Delta 8 THC
Risks of Vaping THC
Erik Epp – Content Author
Teen Cannabis/Marijuana Use
Service Type
Teen Cannabis/Marijuana Use
Nationwide USA
Teenagers and adolescents can benefit greatly from a rehab center program even if they are only using marijuana. Treatment for a marijuana overuse problem can help them understand the dangers of addiction and how that can start them down a path of addiction that will have long-lasting consequences throughout their lifetime.


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