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Detox Centers in New Mexico

There are many different types of detox centers in New Mexico. These drug detox centers are mainly located in the larger populous cities throughout the state. If you have found yourself looking for a detox program, then you probably have already thought there is a problem that needs professional help. Treatment for most addictions to drugs or alcohol begins with medical detox. Medical detoxification is normally done in an inpatient drug or alcohol detox center. We have provided some information below to help you determine whether or not you need to start your recovery with a medicated or painless detox.

To ensure proper placement into a detox facility for alcohol or drug addiction, your best option is to call and speak to one of our certified counselors today. We are here to help you locate a detox center as soon as possible. We can answer any questions you may have to help you become more informed as to what exactly you (or a loved one) may need regarding detoxification. This will ensure that the detox facility can handle your specific dependency issue and needs. Give us a call toll-free 24 hours a day and we can get you into the best detoxification center in New Mexico immediately. 


What you will learn:
How to Tell if You Need Medical Detox
Withdrawal Timelines for Common Drugs and Alcohol
How Much Does Detox Cost?
Different Detoxification Options
Local Detox Centers in New Mexico

Rapid Detox Doctor at Detox Centers In New Mexico

How to Tell if You Need Medical Detox

Once you have decided to stop using drugs or alcohol, it is important to consult a healthcare professional or counselor to determine if a medically supervised detox in New Mexico is needed. Most people looking for a detox facility will seek the aid of a drug or alcohol rehab center to determine if there is a need for a medical detox before entering into treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol. Not all drugs require a medicated detox, for example, cocaine or marijuana do not require a medicated detox and can be facilitated for the individual on an outpatient basis. 

The usage and withdrawal symptoms of each individual will determine if a medical detox is needed.  With some drugs or heavy alcohol use, it is mandatory to undergo a hospital inpatient detox program.  Some drugs do not require a medicated detox, but the list of the ones that do is much greater. Medical detox is recommended for most prescription medication dependencies. 
Those who are suffering from alcohol addiction will usually be required to enter a hospital inpatient detox center before entering into treatment. The withdrawal symptoms from alcohol could have life-threatening consequences if not done in a medical facility.

Some other drugs that require medical detox are Heroin, Opioids, and Prescription drugs such as Xanax, Vicodin, Hydrocodone, and Oxycontin. If planning on detoxifying from psychiatric medications, consult your doctor before quitting cold turkey. Below we have listed common drugs that need a medical detox to ensure the safety of the individual coming off of these medications or drugs.symptoms of opioid withdrawal

Withdrawal Timelines for Common Drugs and Alcohol

Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol starts as soon as the individual stops consuming the addictive substance. Different substances can have different timelines of withdrawal symptoms with many variables that can determine the extent of the withdrawal symptoms. Different variables can be the length of use, how often the usage is, and the amount of the substance that is normally consumed. 

Alcohol: Withdrawal from alcohol can start in as little as 8 hours from the last consumed drink and peaks around 24-48 hours and can last for up to 10 days.

Heroin: Heroin withdrawal usually starts around 10-12 hours after the last dose and can last for up to a few months.

Prescription Medications: Depending on the medication withdrawal can start 1-4 days after the last dose and can last for months, and even years if not treated in a medical facility. 

Prescription Opiates: Withdrawal starts 8-12 hours after the last dose and lasts up to 10 days if treated in a medical detox unit in New Mexico.

FentanylFentanyl withdrawal symptoms can start in as little as 6-12 hours of the last dose with acute withdrawal symptoms at the worst between day 1 and day 3. Withdrawal can last for a week or more.

If you are experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, please give us a call today and we can help you find a detox center near you. If you are experiencing any alcohol withdrawal symptoms get help immediately.

Please contact us by phone for immediate assistance. This is a necessary step in beginning the recovery process for yourself or for a loved one. Our addiction treatment specialists and staff have over 25 years of experience in helping people find effective and affordable treatment for all addictions. What you tell us is completely confidential. We are HIPAA compliant. We are here to answer your questions and to get you (or a loved one) into treatment today. For immediate intake, call us now.


how much does rehab cost

How Much Does Detox Cost?

Depending on the insurance plan there may be a few things that need to be handled in order to ensure that your detox will be covered by your insurance plan. Most of the big providers like Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross/ Blue Shield, Kaiser, and others do have detox offerings for their clients and members. To ensure that you can get the most out of your insurance it is important to have a third party handle the paperwork before calling yourself. Insurance companies will offer individuals a different option that is more beneficial to their bottom line when you are in fact entitled to find the best solution for your medical needs. Costs associated with entering into a detoxification facility in New Mexico can range from zero dollars for a social detoxification center up to 20,000 for a rapid opioid detox center in the state of New Mexico. State and county-funded detox programs in New Mexico receive state funding to offer treatment and detox for addiction to drugs or alcohol. Detoxification programs offered at a social detox center can vary from a “Cold Turkey” type program to a medicated detox depending on the state-funded detox center in New Mexico. To find out more about how much detox centers can cost, call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


inpatient drug rehab centers, medical doctors on staff

Different Detoxification Options

At-Home Detoxification Kits: At-home detox kits are mainly used as a body cleansing system and are not a safe alternative to medical detox. Please consult a medical professional before attempting this type of detox at home. 

Holistic Detox Methods: Holistic detox programs incorporate Eastern holistic practices and vitamin therapy to help ease withdrawal symptoms. Treatment can include massage therapy, Reiki healing, acupuncture, and yoga. 

Rapid Detox for Opioid Addiction: Rapid detox centers in New Mexico utilize anesthesia to put the individual into a deep sleep and flush out the drugs in a short period of time 2-4 hours. 

Medically Assisted Detox Centers: These programs are usually in a stand-alone medical facility or in a hospital inpatient detox center. These programs utilize the latest detox medications to help the individual wean down from their drug of choice. Drugs normally used in detox can include SuboxoneBuprenorphineMethadone, and Benzodiazepines  like Xanax.

Cold Turkey: “Cold Turkey” is a method where you just stop the use of drugs or alcohol. This form of detox is not recommended for most prescription medications and alcohol. There are a few drugs that can be safe to stop without medical supervision IE: Cocaine, MethamphetaminesMarijuana, and LSD.

Local detox centers in New Mexico

We can help you locate treatment for addiction in your area or anywhere in the country. It is sometimes beneficial for the client to go to treatment further away from home. Getting away from temptations and friends who may still be using is often better for many people. Clients who go to rehab in another state also have a harder time leaving treatment early as well. Depending on the situation, our counselors may suggest looking for substance abuse programs that are a plane flight away. To locate AA meetings, group meetings, 12-step programs, inpatient treatment, or outpatient services in your town give us a call. There are many options for drug rehab services in many cities in New Mexico. 


Albuquerque, New Mexico Drug Rehabs
Clovis, NM Addiction Treatment
Farmington, New Mexico Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
Las Cruces, NM Substance Abuse Treatment
Rio Rancho, New Mexico 30/90-Day Treatment Centers
Roswell, NM Inpatient Drug Rehab Programs
Santa Fe, New Mexico Treatment Centers for Addiction
South Valley, New Mexico Drug Rehab Centers and Detox
Call our addiction specialists and treatment counselors for help locating drug Detox Centers In New Mexico near you.

Below we have listed a few certified medical detox facilities that offer a safe detox from most drugs and alcohol. For a complete list of centers and treatment programs in New Mexico please feel free to give us a call toll-free 24 hours a day 7 days a week. New Mexico addiction treatment detox centers are mostly in the major metropolis areas due to the cost of operating a rural detox center. Some funding may be available to help with transportation needs through state agencies.

Santa Fe Recovery Centers
The Santa Fe Recovery Center is a full-service drug and alcohol treatment center in Santa Fe. The programs can include residential treatment at their long-term drug rehab center or a stay at their inpatient short-term drug rehab center. Programs for opioid and opiate dependency will require a stay at the on-site detox center to ensure the patient is stable before treatment begins. Detox for opioids, opiates, and Fentanyl will include a medicated safe monitored detox protocol to ensure the client is stable and comfortable during the detoxification process. This is an LGBTQ-friendly drug rehab center as well. 
Santa Fe Recovery Center
4100 Lucia Ln
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507

Vista Taos Renewal Center
Vista Taos Center is a complete detox treatment rehabilitation center in El Prado, New Mexico. Treatment begins in their detox facility for those needing medical detoxification from prescription medication addiction. Working through their program there is an option to fast track through their 28-day drug rehab program, or take your time and work on your addiction for 90 or more days in their residential long-term treatment facility. Special outpatient substance abuse treatment and preventative education for teens who have become addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Vista Taos Renewal Center
25 Blueberry Hill Rd
El Prado, New Mexico 87529

US Department of Veterans Affairs in Albuquerque, New Mexico
The VA of Albuquerque, New Mexico offers treatment for alcohol and drug addiction through the Raymond G Medical Center and treatment program for addictive behaviors. Working with the hospital, the VA can handle any type of drug withdrawal in a safe and medically supervised hospital inpatient detox center. Treatment programs can include but are not limited to, outpatient treatment programs, residential short-term treatment, and long-term inpatient drug, and alcohol treatment programs for opioid addiction. Treatment programs for veterans and their families whether they are on active duty or not, in Albuquerque, New Mexico
VA US Dept. Of Veterans Affairs
1501 San Pedro St
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108

Detox Protocol
Detoxification and Substance Abuse Treatment
Definitions in Detoxification

Erik Epp – Content Author
Detox Centers In New Mexico
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Detox Centers In New Mexico
Detox Centers near me, Detox Programs for Drug use In New Mexico
If you are searching for a detox center near where you live, we can help you get placed into a detox and withdrawal programs today. Medical detox is necessary for the withdrawal of opioids and detox from alcohol. We can help you find a detox center in New Mexico today.


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