Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Las Cruces, New Mexico
You may find it overwhelming when searching for good Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Finding the best drug rehabilitation program will depend on several factors specific to the person who is seeking treatment for their drug addiction. Different addictions can benefit from specific treatment methods. To ensure that the program can handle all of the underlying issues that have led to the addiction it is very important to be knowledgeable in the different types of programs and therapy models and how they work for specific addictions. When seeking a private drug rehabilitation program in Doña Ana County it is better to be informed before making the biggest decision of your life to date. If you are searching for treatment for substance abuse then chances are you need to find help as soon as possible.There are several options in Las Cruces including 10 low-cost programs, 5 drug rehabs that take private health insurance such as Humana, Cigna, or BCBS, 2 drug detox, and 5 outpatient treatment programs. Depending on the circumstances and obligations, getting enrolled in a drug rehab center in Doña Ana County itself, may or may not be a good idea. These situations are different for every person when looking for a rehab center program. It is sometimes beneficial for the client to go to treatment further away from home. Getting away from temptations and friends who may still be using is often better for many people. Clients who go to rehab in another state also have a harder time leaving treatment early. Depending on the situation, our counselors may suggest looking for substance abuse programs that are a plane flight away. Finding effective and affordable treatment for substance abuse can be as easy as picking up the phone. We can verify your insurance and set up treatment in or outside of the Las Cruces area. Please do not wait until it is too late find the best rehab now and start the road to recovery before something adverse happens.
How We Can Help
When searching for a drug rehab in Las Cruces, New Mexico finding a reputable or quality treatment center should be the number one priority. Addiction No More understands this and that is why we have a comprehensive database of rehab centers and support groups in and around Las Cruces. We have included a short description of each center and meetings to help you determine if the program is right for your individual needs while undergoing inpatient or outpatient treatment in Doña Ana County. We also have a helpline available to those seeking specialized treatment programs in Las Cruces. Our substance abuse counseling staff can help you make an informed decision as to which treatment approach will work best for the needs of the individual seeking treatment. Our counselors will explain the difference in therapy models, treatment approaches, and detox protocols, and can also explain the benefits of each type of treatment program available.Locally available treatment programs include:
Inpatient rehab
Secular (non-religious) programs
IOP Outpatient therapy
Women Only Treatment Centers
30-day 60-day 90-day residential substance abuse centers
LGBTQ drug rehab centers
Holistic treatment programs
Mental health treatment centers
Detox Centers
How rehab works
Get Help Now Before it is Too LateTo learn more about treatment centers in your area, call to speak with one of our free rehab placement specialists. Our goal is to help you find the best rehab center in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, or anywhere in the United States. Below we have listed some of the drug rehab programs that are available in the area to give you some resources to start your search for affordable and effective rehab center programs in New Mexico. We have also listed some of the AA and or NA meetings to help with aftercare planning and ongoing support while in recovery.
Family and Youth Inc. offers outpatient treatment plans, regular outpatient drug rehab center programs, and computerized treatment plans with telemedicine. Intensive outpatient treatment programs are available to those who need a stricter program with more accountability. Payments accepted include state-financed insurance plans other than Medicaid, and cash self-payment.
Las Cruces, NM, 88001
Mesilla Valley Hospital offers residential short-term rehab center programs, outpatient treatment plans, and behavioral disorder treatment programs. Specialized programs include dual diagnosis treatment programs and behavioral disorder treatment, populations served include adults, kids/teens, and seniors. Payments accepted include most private/state-funded insurance plans, and cash or self-payment.
Las Cruces New Mexico, 88012
Peak Behavioral Health Services offers a full array of treatment options for substance abuse in the Las Cruces area. Treatment programs can include residential inpatient rehab, outpatient treatment programs, intensive outpatient treatment plans, and partial hospitalization day treatment plans. Payments accepted for services include most private health insurance plans, Medicaid, Medicare, Tricare, and cash or self-payment plans.
Santa Teresa, New Mexico, 88008
El Paso Behavioral Health offers hospital inpatient rehab center programs, outpatient therapy programs, medication-assisted detox options, and intensive outpatient therapy programs
Recovery resources and sober recovery meetings near Las Cruces, New Mexico
El Groupo Amistad meets 7 days a week from 8-9 pm for open discussion Aa meetings, thursday also has a smoking group from 6-7 pm.