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Heroin Kills

Dear Heroin


Published: August 2008

I am angry…

You made me believe you were the cure for my every kind of pain.
I had you wrapped around me while I let you take control of my veins.

At this point in time I didn’t know who or what you turned me into,
But you made it impossible to get through days without you.

You had control of my body now, and if I didn’t choose you,
you made me feel so sick to where I was helpless, not knowing what to do.

By now I started doing the things I swore I would never do,
lying and stealing off the people who didn’t mean a thing to you.

You had me convinced that throughout my life you were determined to stay, 
that I did not have the option of turning and walking away.

Before you know it, everyone I loved saw this side of me that was hurting them inside.
Every time they questioned, I did what you taught me to do…lie.

I wanted to let you go and get you out of my way, 
so scared to tell someone, imagining what they would say.

Don’t want to be judged, it was a decision I would have to make, 
but I’ve wasted so much time; it was a little too late.

Being put in jail was something I knew it was going to come down to, 
but it made me free of relief knowing that I could not get to you.

It was a struggle, but a worthwhile fight
because now I am in control and you are out of my life.

Being sober turned me into the person I’ve always wanted to be, 
and that was the one day you were praying I would never see.

Now I am doing the good things I never imagined myself to do, 
and proudly I can say I am doing them without you.

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/dear-heroin-addicted-to-heroin

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