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Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Ypsilanti, Michigan

When looking for Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Ypsilanti, Michigan, locating the best treatment program for addiction will give the individual the best chances of long-lasting recovery. Long-term residential programs for addiction can be the most effective type of treatment a person can enter into. There are 4 affordable treatment centers in Ypsilanti, 1 rehab that takes health insurance, 2 programs that take Medicaid, 2 detox centers in Ypsilanti, and 3 outpatient rehabs. Each program offers different types of therapy for people with various belief systems and addictions. It is sometimes beneficial for the client to go to treatment further away from home. Getting away from temptations and friends who may still be using is often better for many people. Clients who go to rehab in another state also have a harder time leaving treatment early as well. Depending on the situation, our counselors may suggest looking for substance abuse programs that are a plane flight away. Choosing the right drug rehab center can be the most important decision you will have made to date in your life. Being informed as to what types of programs work best for certain addictions will help the individual achieve a successful recovery. We are here to help you find the best drug rehab center for you. Give us a call and we can discuss options available to you through your insurance.

Paying for rehab and treatment 

The costs of treatment can vary from center to center depending on several factors. Length of time in treatment, type of treatment, and whether it is a private or state-funded rehab center program can determine out-of-pocket expenses. The most common way to pay for treatment is to use private health insurance or cash self-payments. If you do not have private health insurance there are programs that take Medicaid in the state and some that are free for those that qualify for assistance.

Intervention Services in Ypsilanti, Michigan

When a person feels that their addiction is not of anyone else’s concern, it may be time to find an interventionist to help manage and convince the individual to seek treatment. Getting a professional interventionist to help with convincing someone to seek help for their addiction problems, will help the family convince the addict to get the help needed. You have one chance to do an intervention and it is always better to get help during this trying time. We can help you locate an interventionist and start the process.


woman speaking to addiction counselor in Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Ypsilanti, Michigan
Over 3000 people lost their lives in 2021 to drug overdoses making it the most deaths since Michigan has been keeping records in one year. The 2021 death toll has risen 9.3% over the previous year. Nationally there was over 100,000 recorded death listed as overdose giving the country a huge overdose death increase of 15.9% over 2020. The increase in overdose death rates is partly due to the increased potency of the drugs on the black market. With fentanyl being available in pill form, powder form, and being mixed with other drugs to increase potency the trend will not be going down any time soon. Read the whole article HERE

If you live in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and have a problem or know someone with a drug problem Now Is The Time To Act. Do not wait until it is too late to get help for addiction. There will never be a “perfect time” to get help, you just have to do it. If you are waiting for treatment because it is not convenient right now we urge you to go ahead and call us to discuss a plan of action to get the road to recovery started. 

Locally available treatment programs include:
Inpatient rehab
Residential substance abuse programs
IOP drug rehab center programs
Gender-specific treatment centers
90-day drug rehab center programs
30-day residential substance abuse centers
LGBTQ drug rehab centers
Holistic treatment programs
Outpatient therapy
Mental health treatment centers
Detox Centers

How rehab works

Get Help Now Before it is Too Late

Below we have listed a few of the different drug rehab centers in Ypsilanti, MI., including inpatient, outpatient, detox, and other drug rehab services. We have also listed some of the recovery meetings in Washtenaw County to help with the aftercare and recovery process. If you need further assistance or would like to talk to a rehab specialist about the choices near you, give us a call and we can assist you in finding the best residential drug rehab in your city today.


Dawn Farm offers substance abuse treatment programs for adults and children under the age of 17. Treatment programs for addictions available include residential long-term drug and alcohol treatment programs and short-term residential drug rehab programs. Treatment and services can be paid for with cash or self-payments with financial assistance for qualified applicants.
Dawn Inc. Dawn Farm
6633 Stony Creek Road
Ypsilanti, MI 48197

1st Step Referral Services offers detox and drug rehab center programs through its outpatient facility in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Treatment programs are done on an outpatient basis and may include medication-assisted treatment programs. The 1st step recovery program MAT services use suboxone or methadone tapering maintenance and detox protocols. This drug rehab center and medication-assisted treatment program in Michigan only accepts cash or self-payment for services rendered.
1st Step Referral Services
110 Pearl Street
Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Packard Health of Ypsilanti offers medication-assisted treatment programs for alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines, and heroin. Addiction counseling and therapy programs were available for those enrolled in the medication-assisted treatment program plan. This drug rehab center program in Ypsilanti, Michigan accepts cash or self-payment, payment assistance prices, and most private health care insurance plans less the deductible.
Packard Health Ypsilanti
200 Arnet St,
Ypsilanti, MI – 48198

Recovery resources and sober recovery meetings near Ypsilanti, Michigan

New Dawn Group meets Monday through Friday from 9:30-10:30 am for closed discussion recovery meetings.
Ask about their Zoom meeting when there to get login and password.
New Dawn Group
802 North River Street
Ypsilanti, MI, 48197

Sober Chicks Ypsilanti meets three days a week for closed women-only group therapy and step meetings
Tuesday 7:30-8:30 pm closed women’s only big book/discussion meeting
Thursday 7:30-8:30 pm for closed Big Book/Discussion
Saturday- 10:45-11:45 am closed discussion group
Sober Chicks Ypsilanti
802 North River Street
Ypsilanti, MI, 48197

New Day Group Ypsilanti meets Monday through Saturday from 5:30-6:30 pm for closed discussion and 12-step meetings.
New Day Group Ypsilanti
802 North River Street
Ypsilanti, MI, 48197

Erik Epp – Content Author

Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Ypsilanti, Michigan
Service Type
Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Ypsilanti, Michigan
Ypsilanti, Michigan drug rehabs, treatment for addiction in Washtenaw County
If you need help locating an inpatient rehabilitation program for alcohol or substance abuse in Ypsilanti, call to speak with one of our counselors today (24/7 Service). We are here to help you find a treatment center that is close to Ypsilanti, MI. Most drug rehabs in Washtenaw County will be able to work with your insurance so you can enroll at little to no out-of-pocket cost.


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