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Spearfish, South Dakota Residential/Inpatient Rehab Centers, Detox Centers, Interventions, Treatment, and Recovery Resources

Finding the right drug rehab center in Spearfish, South Dakota should include discovering what type of recovery program would best suit your needs during treatment. Think of searching for a rehab center, like shopping for a car. You never choose the first car you see but want to look at the lot to make sure that the car is a good fit for your needs. Shopping for a rehab center is no different as some programs offer one thing and others offer another. Our counselors have a compiled list of all treatment offerings in and outside of Spearfish to help with the process of enrolling into a treatment center for addiction. There are over 50 different types of rehab programs available in South Dakota alone, including over 10 long-term rehab centers, about 10 detox centers, and a little under 50 treatment facilities offering outpatient services. We are here to help you find the best drug rehab center for you. Give us a call and we can discuss options available to you through your insurance.

If you need help locating treatment programs for substance abuse in Lawrence County, Spearfish, South Dakota please feel free to give us a call today. Our counselors will help you find a program that will fit your needs. If you would like to verify your insurance prior to entering into treatment, we can help so you do not get blindsided with fees and copayments which can be a deterrent for some trying to enter into a program.


Not all drug rehab centers are the same


Locally available treatment programs include:
Inpatient rehab
Residential substance abuse programs
IOP drug rehab center programs
Gender-specific treatment centers
90-day drug rehab center programs
30-day residential substance abuse centers
LGBTQ drug rehab centers
Holistic treatment programs
Outpatient therapy
Detox centers
Mental health treatment centers

If you need help figuring out which program in Spearfish, South Dakota would be the best fit, give us a call toll-free and we will assist you.


How rehab works



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Treatment for Addiction in South Dakota

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Below we have listed a few of the different drug rehab centers in Spearfish, South Dakota, including inpatient, outpatient, detox, and other drug rehab services. We have also listed some of the recovery meetings in your city to help with the aftercare and recovery process. If you need further assistance or would like to talk to a rehab specialist about the choices near you, give us a call and we can assist you in finding the best residential drug rehab in Lawrence County today.


Noon at Newmans AA Meeting meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-1 pm for closed discussion group therapy AA meetings.
Noon at Newmans AA Meeting
814 King Street
Spearfish, SD, 57783

Mile High Recovery Group meets twice a week for group therapy Aa meetings in lead South Dakota. Monday from 7-8 pm is a closed group with literature listed as the format, and Fridays from 7-8 pm is an open discussion participation work group aa meeting.
Mile High Recovery Group
111 S Main St
Lead, SD, 57754

Spearfish AA Group meets 4 times a week for group therapy and alcoholics anonymous meetings.
monday 8-9 pm is a closed discussion work group aa meeting.
Wednesday 8-9 pm is a closed discussion and participation therapy group
Friday 8-9 Pm open candlelight discussion group therapy AA meeting.
Saturday 7:30-8:30 pm closed group literature and on-topic discussion work group.
Spearfish AA Group
129 W Michigan Street
Spearfish, SD, 57783

Northern Hills Recovery Group meets Tuesdays from 7:30-8:30 pm for a closed group Aa meeting.
Northern Hills Recovery Group
845 N 5th St
Spearfish, SD, 57783

Deadwood AA meets twice a week for group therapy and alcoholics anonymous meetings. Sunday from 10-11 am is a closed group with literature formatted discussion and study, and Thursday is a closed group therapy discussion group.
Deadwood AA Group
750 Main Street
Deadwood, SD, 57732

Belle Fourche AA group meets three days a week from 8-9 pm for open discussion and participation in Aa meetings. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday groups meet at 8 pm and end around 9 pm.
Belle Fourche AA group
806 6th Ave
Belle Fourche, SD, 57717

Spearfish Sunday Literature Group meets from 8-9 pm every Sunday for closed literature work group and on-topic discussion.
Spearfish Sunday Literature Group
845 N 5th St
Spearfish, SD, 57783

Recovery resources and sober recovery meetings in Spearfish, South Dakota

Noon at Newmans AA meeting meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-1 pm for closed discussion group therapy AA meetings.
Noon at Newmans AA Meeting
814 King Street
Spearfish, SD, 57783

Mile High Recovery Group meets twice a week for group therapy Aa meetings in lead south Dakota. Monday from 7-8 pm is a closed group with literature listed as the format, and Fridays from 7-8 pm is an open discussion participation work group AA meeting.
Mile High Recovery Group
111 S Main St
Lead, SD, 57754

Spearfish AA Group meets 4 times a week for group therapy and alcoholics anonymous meetings.
Monday 8-9 pm is a closed discussion work group aa meeting.
Wednesday 8-9 pm is a closed discussion and participation therapy group
Friday 8-9 Pm open candlelight discussion group therapy AA meeting.
Saturday 7:30-8:30 pm closed group literature and on-topic discussion work group.
Spearfish AA Group
129 W Michigan Street
Spearfish, SD, 57783

Northern Hills Recovery Group meets Tuesdays from 7:30-8:30 pm for a closed group AA meeting.
Northern Hills Recovery Group
845 N 5th St
Spearfish, SD, 57783

Deadwood AA meets twice a week for group therapy and alcoholics anonymous meetings. Sunday from 10-11 am is a closed group with literature formatted discussion and study, and Thursday is a closed group therapy discussion group.
Deadwood AA Group
750 Main Street
Deadwood, SD, 57732

Belle Fourche AA group meets three days a week from 8-9 pm for open discussion and participation in Aa meetings. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday groups meet at 8 pm and end around 9 pm.
Belle Fourche AA group
806 6th Ave
Belle Fourche, SD, 57717

Spearfish Sunday Literature Group meets from 8-9 pm every Sunday for closed literature work group and on-topic discussion.
Spearfish Sunday Literature Group
845 N 5th St
Spearfish, SD, 57783
Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Spearfish, South Dakota
Service Type
Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Spearfish, South Dakota
Spearfish, South Dakota drug rehabs, treatment for addiction in Lawrence county South Dakota
If you need help locating an inpatient rehabilitation program for alcohol or substance abuse in Lawrence county, call to speak with one of our counselors today (24/7 Service). We are here to help you find a treatment center that is close to Spearfish, South Dakota. Most drug rehabs will be able to work with your insurance so you can enroll at little to no out-of-pocket cost.