Olympia, Washington Residential/Inpatient Rehab Centers, Detox Centers, Interventions, Treatment, and Recovery Resources
When looking for a drug rehab center near Olympia, Washington there are a few factors to take into account before making your decision. Locating the best addiction treatment program in Thurston county can take time and research to locate the best fit for your current addiction problem. It is always better to be informed as to what type of programs work best with a particular addiction concern. Once you have established the type of treatment that would be best for you the next step is figuring out if they will accept your insurance, or how much their programs are for self-payments. You are encouraged to speak with one of our counselors to learn if one of our programs would be a good fit for you or a loved one.1-800-513-5423
Drug and alcohol treatment programs in Thurston County, WA that will take insurance
Locating an addiction rehab program that can accept your insurance is the most cost-effective way to pay for treatment. We can verify your insurance and see if you are in-network with one of our local drug rehabilitation centers near Olympia. If you have an HMO insurance plan staying in-network can save you thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses making inpatient drug addiction treatment affordable.Locally available treatment programs include:
Inpatient rehab
Residential substance abuse programs
IOP drug rehab center programs
Gender-specific treatment centers
90-day drug rehab center programs
30-day residential substance abuse centers,
LGBTQ drug rehab centers
Holistic treatment programs
Outpatient therapy
Detox centers
Mental health treatment centers
How rehab works
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Treatment for Addiction in Washington
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If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol in Thurston County, Addiction No More can help you find a solution. We have an extensive database of inpatient addiction treatment programs in the Olympia area. We have listed some of the treatment programs for addiction that are close to Olympia for your convenience. If you would like to talk to an addiction specialist and find out what program would fit your specific needs, give us a call today. Drug rehab centers in Olympia, Washington, including inpatient, outpatient, detox, and other drug rehab services, and some of the recovery meetings in your city to help with the aftercare and recovery process are listed below. If you need further assistance or would like to talk to a rehab specialist about the choices near you, give us a call and we can assist you in finding the best residential drug rehab in Thurston County today.
Royal Life Centers offers residential inpatient rehab programs, detox, and telemedicine support services. Detox and medication-assisted treatment plans may include buprenorphine and naltrexone. Detox is available for benzodiazepines, opioids, heroin, and amphetamines including cocaine and meth. Payments accepted include private health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Tricare, state-run insurance plans, and cash or self-payment.
Royal Life Centers LLC – Haven DBA Lacey
8649 Martin Way East
Olympia, WA 98516
Providence Saint Peter CDC offers outpatient treatment programs and telemedicine telehealth programs for those who have developed a substance abuse disorder. Specialized services include telemedicine support, transitional services, alcohol abuse disorder treatment, mental health programs, and opioid dependency programs. Payments accepted include private health insurance, Medicaid, Tricare, and cash or self-payment.
Providence Saint Peter CDC
4800 College Street SE, Suite F
Lacey, WA 98503
Pathways Mental Health Services offers outpatient rehab programs for substance abuse and alcohol dependence. Specialized treatment plans are available to children, men, women, LGBTQ, and military veterans. Payments accepted include Medicaid, private health insurance, Medicare, and state-financed insurance other than Medicaid.
Pathways Mental Health Services – Lacey WA Clinic
436 McPhee Road SW
Olympia, WA 98502
Harvest Home Residential offers residential inpatient treatment programs for drug addiction and telemedicine support services. Specialized treatment plans are available to pregnant postpartum women that have developed a substance abuse disorder. Payments accepted include Medicaid, and cash or self-payment.
Harvest Home Residential
3775 Martin Way East, Suite A
Olympia, WA 98506
Community Youth Services offers outpatient therapy programs and telemedicine services to youth and teens who have become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Special treatment programs are available to those that court-ordered treatment for a drug conviction. Payments accepted include Medicaid, state insurance plans, and cash or self-payment.
Community Youth Services – Main
711 State Avenue NE
Olympia, WA 98506
Ophelia offers outpatient medication-assisted treatment programs and telemedicine support services in Lacey Washington. Medication-assisted treatment programs include buprenorphine for tapering and detox. Payments accepted include private health insurance, Medicaid, and cash or self-payment.
Ophelia – Ophelia Health Inc
4305 Lacey Boulevard SE, Suite 20
Lacey, WA 98503
Recovery resources and sober recovery meetings in Olympia, Washington
3 5 7 11 meets on Mondays and Thursdays from 12-1 pm for group therapy sessions. This AA meeting is wheelchair accessible.
3 5 7 11
2109 College Street Southeast
Lacey, WA, 98503
West Side Study meets on Mondays from 7:30-9 pm for a group AA meeting. This is an open group that meets only once a week.
West Side Study
1515 Harrison Avenue Northwest
Olympia, WA, 98501
Lunch Bunch Tumwater meets on Tuesdays from 12-1:30 pm for open discussion formatted group AA meetings.
Lunch Bunch Tumwater
4611 Tumwater Valley Drive Southeast
Tumwater, WA, 98511
Secular Friends Checking In
3900 Capital Mall Drive Southwest
Olympia, WA, 98501
Secular Friends Checking In gets together on Wednesdays from 6-7:30 pm for secular group therapy and AA meetings. This is a nonreligious AA group meeting.
Friday Night Mens Step Study is a great way to get your steps worked on with those who have been through the program. This group meets on Friday nights from 6-7 pm for a men’s literature, and steps meet. This group also gets together on Tuesdays from 6-7 pm for an open men’s only group formatted for steps meetings and literature.
Friday Night Men’s Step Study
701 Franklin Street Southeast
Olympia, WA, 98501
100 Percent Natural Agnostic meets on Saturdays from 12-1:30 pm for an open AA meeting.
100 Percent Natural Agnostic
4611 Tumwater Valley Drive Southeast
Tumwater, WA, 98511
Queers Crackpots And Fallen Women meet on Sundays from 6-7 pm for a great group therapy session. This is a great group for those who are looking for an alternative AA meeting.
Queers Crackpots And Fallen Women Olympia
201 8th Avenue Southeast
Olympia, WA, 98501
Guts get together on Sundays from 8-9 pm for an open group with a discussion format AA meeting.
1601 North Street Southeast
Olympia, WA, 98501