Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Lincoln, Nebraska
The addiction specialists at Addiction No More are here 24 hours a day to help you find Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Lincoln, Nebraska. When looking for a rehab center in Lancaster County, Nebraska locating the best treatment program for addiction will give the individual the best chances of long-lasting recovery. Long-term residential programs for addiction can be the most effective type of treatment a person can enter into. There are many different types of therapy programs for people with different belief systems and addictions in Lincoln. These treatment options include over 7 drug treatment programs that take Medicaid, 6 inpatient rehabs, 14 drug rehabs that take private insurance such as Humana, United Healthcare, and BCBS, 3 detox centers, and 13 outpatient rehabs. It is sometimes beneficial for the client to go to treatment further away from home. Getting away from temptations and friends who may still be using is often better for many people. Clients who go to rehab in another state also have a harder time leaving treatment early as well. Depending on the situation, our counselors may suggest looking for substance abuse programs that are a plane flight away. Choosing the right drug rehab center can be the most important decision you will have made to date in your life. Being informed as to what types of programs work best for certain addictions will help the individual achieve a successful recovery.
Lincoln, Nebraska Detox, Inpatient Rehab Interventions, & Recovery Resources
Types of drug rehab center programs available in Lincoln include 30-day residential rehab centers, 90-day inpatient drug rehabs, Outpatient therapy, sober living environments, and detox centers. There are secular residential treatment centers, in-house Christian drug and alcohol treatment centers, Holistic Drug rehab centers, Dual Diagnosis rehab centers, and free drug rehab centers in Nebraska available to those seeking help for a substance abuse problem. We have been helping people take their first step in recovery since 2003 and continue helping those needing assistance find a good drug rehab center. We have been researching rehab center programs for the last 20 years and can help you find the most affordable and effective rehab center programs in, or outside of Lancaster County. We have listed some of the free and lower-cost treatment center programs for substance abuse in and around Lincoln Nebraska below. If you would like help looking for a substance abuse treatment program give us a call toll-free to speak to one of our substance abuse and treatment program specialists immediately.
Locally available treatment programs include:
Inpatient rehab
Secular (non-religious) programs
IOP Outpatient therapy
Women Only Treatment Centers
30-day 60-day 90-day residential substance abuse centers
LGBTQ drug rehab centers
Holistic treatment programs
Mental health treatment centers
Detox Centers
How rehab works
Get Help Now Before it is Too LateBelow we have listed a few of the different drug rehab centers in Lincoln, NE., including inpatient, outpatient, detox, and other drug rehab services. We have also listed some of the recovery meetings in Lancaster County to help with the aftercare and recovery process. If you need further assistance or would like to talk to a rehab specialist about the choices near you, give us a call and we can assist you in finding the best residential drug rehab in your city today.
CenterPointe offers treatment programs for those who are suffering from mental illness or substance abuse problems in Lincoln, Nebraska. The CenterPointe Program has several different services available to the low-income and homeless population including housing support, residential treatment programs, transitional housing, long-term rehab center programs, short-term drug rehab, and peer support groups. Specialized treatment programs for homeless veterans including housing assistance and permanent housing.
2633 P Street
Lincoln, NE 68503
Heartland Family Service offers substance abuse treatment programs through its outpatient therapy program in Omaha, NE. Programs available include housing assistance, outpatient drug rehab, and extensive long-term aftercare programs for those who have completed the outpatient treatment program. This center receives private donations and grants monies to help cover the costs of treatment at their center.
Heartland Family Service
2101 South 42nd Street
Omaha, NE 68105
Saint Monica’s offers an intensive inpatient treatment program for substance abuse that lasts for 8 weeks. Specialized treatment programs for dual diagnosis and co-occurring addictions and mental health conditions. This is an all-women’s treatment program with transitional housing for those that need to find housing once treatment has been completed. Housing for women who have children is available for 2 children or less through transitional treatment and housing programs. Payments for services are required once the ability to pay and sliding fee scale rate has been calculated.
Saint Monica’s
120 Wedgewood Drive
Lincoln, NE – 68510
Recovery resources and sober recovery meetings near Lincoln, Nebraska
24 Hours A Day Group Lincoln meets on Monday from 12-1 pm for an open discussion group meeting.
This meeting is wheelchair accessible.
24 Hours A Day Group Lincoln
2748 S Street
Lincoln, NE, 68501
By the Book, Mens Meeting meets on Friday from 7:25-8:25 for a closed men-only big book and discussion meeting.
By the Book Mens Meeting
3200 O Street
Lincoln, NE, 68501
Happy Hour Group Lincoln meets Monday through Friday from 5:15-6:15 pm for open discussion AA meetings and therapy.
Happy Hour Group Lincoln
721 K Street
Lincoln, NE, 68501
How It Works Group Lincoln meets 7 days a week from 10-11 pm for open discussion group processing and therapy.
How It Works Group Lincoln
2748 S Street
Lincoln, NE, 68501
Women Saturday Morning Group Lincoln meets on Saturday from 11 am-12 pm for open discussion AA group meetings.
Women Saturday Morning Group Lincoln
2748 S Street
Lincoln, NE, 68501
Erik Epp – Content Author