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Carson City, Nevada Residential/Inpatient Rehab Centers, Detox Centers, Interventions, Treatment, and Recovery Resources

When looking for a rehab center for substance abuse or alcohol dependency the first step is the discovery phase of your search. When we talk about “discovery” what we mean is finding out what types of facilities are available to you and which type of treatment program would work best for the specific addiction or circumstances that are unique to the individual seeking treatment. Locating the best residential treatment program for addiction in Carson City, Nevada will give the individual the best chances of long-lasting recovery. Finding the best drug rehab center in Ormsby County will improve the individual’s chances of long-lasting recovery.


What type of addiction treatment programs are available in Carson City, Nevada

The next step is learning the different types of programs that are used in treatment centers. Carson City has many different types of rehabilitation from detox services, outpatient therapy programs, medication-assisted detox programs, inpatient rehab programs, and partial hospitalization day treatment programs. Figuring out which services are needed to handle the addiction can narrow down the search and give you a direction to start. You can call to speak with one of our certified counselors, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we can help you locate a drug rehab center in Carson City that will take your insurance or work with you financially. Together we can help you find a rehabilitation center that best suits the needs of the individual in question. All of these steps help narrow the search helping the individual make an informed decision as to which program would be best for the current situation.

Locally available treatment programs include:
Inpatient rehab
Residential substance abuse programs
IOP drug rehab center programs
Gender-specific treatment centers
90-day drug rehab center programs
30-day residential substance abuse centers,
LGBTQ drug rehab centers
Holistic treatment programs
Outpatient therapy
Detox centers
Mental health treatment centers


How rehab works



Get Help Now Before it is Too Late

To learn more, call to speak with one of our free rehab placement specialists. Our goal is to help you find the best rehab center in Ormsby County Nevada or anywhere in the United States. Below we have listed some of the drug rehab programs that are available in the area to give you some resources to start your search for affordable and effective rehab center programs in Nevada. We have also listed some of the AA and or NA meetings to help with aftercare planning and ongoing support while in recovery.

Nevada has seen a steady increase in fatal overdoses in the last few years. This is due in part to the influx of synthetic opioids like fentanyl entering the street drug supply and found in almost every type of drug on the black market. The state of Nevada saw a 26.6 percent increase in fatal overdose deaths from 2019-2020. In Ormsby county alone, the increase in deaths from 445 in 2019 to 605 in 2020 is alarming. The increase in deaths is due in part to the influx of synthetic opioids like fentanyl being found in the street drug supply. Ormsby county has had a steady increase in deaths involving fentanyl and has reported 81 in 2019 to 209 in 2020, and 225 in 2021. This is a steady increase and the state is looking for solutions to handle the fentanyl problem in Nevada.

Are you looking for a rehab center near you in Carson City, Nevada for drug or alcohol dependency? If you have come to our site to find treatment programs in Ormsby county, we can help. We have compiled a list of the best treatment programs and resources that are available in and outside of the city to help narrow down your search.

Below we have listed a few of the different drug rehab centers in Carson City, NV., including inpatient, outpatient, detox, and other drug rehab services. We have also listed some of the recovery meetings in Ormsby county to help with the aftercare and recovery process. If you need further assistance or would like to talk to a rehab specialist about the choices near you, give us a call and we can assist you in finding the best residential drug rehab in your city today.


Carson City Community Counseling Center provides outpatient therapy programs for men, women, and young adults under the age of 18. Treatment and services include substance abuse treatment programs, alcohol dependency rehab, and mental health treatment plans. Rehab and services can be paid for with private health insurance, and self-payment or cash pay. Payment assistance is available to qualified applicants.
Carson City Community Counseling Ctr (Carson City)
205 South Pratt Avenue
Carson City, NV, 89701, USA

Carson Tahoe Health BH Services offers residential rehab center programs and dual diagnosis treatment plans for those with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders. Specialized programs for transgender, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and older adults. Payments accepted include Medicaid, medicare, private health insurance, Tricare, and cash or self-financed payments. Payment assistance may be available to qualified applicants.
Carson Tahoe Health BH Services (Inpatient)
1080 North Minnesota Street
Carson City, NV, 89703, USA
2nd Floor

Life Change Center offers outpatient substance abuse treatment programs and medication-assisted treatment plans with therapy included. treatment and therapy programs offered can include several different therapy models that will encourage long-term sobriety. PAymants accepted include Medicaid, medicare, cash or self-payment, and federally funded funding for substance abuse programs.
Life Change Center
1201 North Stewart Street Suite 120
Carson City, Nevada, 89701

Recovery resources and sober recovery meetings near Carson City, Nevada

Happy Joyous and Free Carson City meet Monday through Friday from 9-10 am for open discussion AA meetings and group therapy. 
Happy Joyous and Free Carson City
1800 East William Street
Carson City, NV, 89701

Serenity Seekers Women Carson City meets on Monday from 12-1 pm for a closed discussion women-only group therapy AA meeting. 
Serenity Seekers Women Carson City
844 North Saliman Road
Carson City, NV, 89701

Brown Baggers Carson City meets Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12-1 pm for open discussion group therapy AA meetings. 
Brown Baggers Carson City
314 North Division Street
Carson City, NV, 89701

Drunk Squad Speaker meeting Meets on Friday from 7-8 pm for open discussion AA meetings. 
Drunk Squad Speaker Meeting
1800 East William Street
Carson City, NV, 89701

Sandbaggers meets 7 days a week from 12-1 pm for open discussion AA meetings. 
1800 East William Street
Carson City, NV, 89701
Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Carson City, Nevada
Service Type
Residential Drug Rehab Centers in Carson City, Nevada
Carson City, Nevada drug rehabs, treatment for addiction in Ormsby County
If you need help locating an inpatient rehabilitation program for alcohol or substance abuse in Carson City, Nevada, call to speak with one of our counselors today (24/7 Service). We are here to help you find a treatment center that is close to Carson City, NV. Most drug rehabs in Ormsby County will be able to work with your insurance so you can enroll at little to no out-of-pocket cost.


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