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Is there treatment for criminal justice clients?

 Many Treatment Centers accept criminal justice clients and people with open court cases as an alternative to jail. County and state courts will often suggest treatment in place of jail time for some first-time offender cases. Other courts have a different view on treatment and make a person jump through so many hoops it is overwhelming to get treatment. In this case, you will need to get a lawyer or public defender to help you handle all the red tape that is in your way to getting help for addiction. Hopefully, this will work and the person will get the help they need and into a court-approved treatment center for addiction.

Scientific data research starting in the mid-seventies and continuing in an ongoing study shows that drug rehabilitation treatment for criminal justice clients has been shown to improve the attitudes and beliefs that led to abuse and crime. Helping them understand the consequences of their behaviors and learning that no one is entitled to anything in this life, it has to be worked for. The principles used in the treatment of criminal justice clients are very similar to the programs that help addicts. Many offenders seeking treatment do not have access to the resources needed to ensure that a program is delivered in its entirety. Poorly run state programs may not be as effective as private treatment programs in reducing criminal activity or drug relapses. 

Treatment needs to include the development of cognitive skills, to help with the adjustment back into society and work on issues, like entitlement and understanding what led to criminal drug abuse and charges. This will also include skills that are related to responsibility, comprehensive thinking, learning, and remembering to ensure that the program is completely understood. 

Aftercare coordination should be conducted between the criminal justice program, the halfway house, and the aftercare treatment program. Ongoing communications and coordination should be done via Parole or probation officers to ensure that the criminal justice client complies with their treatment mandate. 

Drug addiction that leads to abuse can change the brain’s normal function and many things can trigger drug cravings within the brain’s communication center. It is extremely important for anyone who enters treatment to learn how to recognize or cope with these random thoughts or feelings.  Knowing a safe place to go to or a person to call in their times of need can make the difference between success and relapse into using behaviors. Call us now and let us help you begin your road to recovery today. 


Mental Health Substance Abuse Coverage
Criminal and Juvenile Justice
Intercept 3: Jail/Courts
Substance Abuse Treatment, Testing, and Abstinence
Erik Epp – Content Author
Is there treatment for criminal justice clients?
Service Type
Is there treatment for criminal justice clients?
 Many Treatment Centers accept criminal justice clients and people with open court cases as an alternative to jail. County and state courts will often suggest treatment in place of jail time for some first-time offender cases. Other courts have a different view on treatment and make a person jump through so many hoops it is overwhelming to get treatment. In this case, you will need to get a lawyer or public defender to help you handle all the red tape that is in your way to getting help for addiction. Hopefully, this will work and the person will get the help they need and into a court-approved treatment center for addiction.