• +1-800-513-5423
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Clear Minds Sobriety Haven Blog Series about overcoming binge drinking and tips to stay sober.
Sober New Start

Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year 2024! We had a great holiday with our family and friends. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are huge party times in a lot of our lives and it can be really hard on people who are fresh in their sobriety or for people with depression. I hope you all had a happy holiday season and were able to refrain from drinking alcohol. I made it through as well. Some days were VERY hard and yes, I did have one day of meltdown where I almost decided to have a beer…. but I didn’t. Getting through the holidays sober for the first time in so many years was one of the hardest things I’ve done to date. Some of my friends are also getting sober so together we made it through by making mocktails, talking about how we are feeling, giving each other tips to stay sober, and just keeping busy. The friends and support groups on the app I AM SOBER are great and really help when you need some support as well. I highly recommend this free app if you are struggling to stay sober.

I am looking forward to continuing my sober journey by posting blogs about the struggles of becoming sober and giving tips to you in real-time as I go through the process. Together we can avoid alcohol and enjoy life in a fresh new sober way.

* Many people make resolutions to stop drinking alcohol or go on a diet to lose weight or vow to be a better person at the beginning of the year. New Year, New You, they say. The new year is a great place to start a new resolution of being sober from alcohol or drugs. Getting sober can be hard if you don’t know where to start. If you feel you can’t quit drinking on your own, there is help. You can call 1-800-513-5423 to speak with someone today.

Sobriety Blogger Anna Marie Skye

Author: Anna Marie Skye

Follow Anna Marie Skye as she discusses her struggle with binge drinking and her sobriety journey HERE.

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