12-Step Addiction Treatment Programs in Louisiana
12-Step Addiction Treatment Programs in Louisiana offer different levels of care, including inpatient, short-term programs, long-term drug rehab, and outpatient treatment programs. Choosing the right program for the specific circumstances and addiction will help you find a program that will work best. The 12-step program is one of the most recognized treatment programs in America and has helped many people just like you. When a person completes their treatment program, they can continue the twelve-step program through Narcotics Anonymous, Alcohol Anonymous, or a private counselor.Addiction is a disease that can affect the body, mind and spirit. As with many other diseases, it is progressive and can lead to early death if left untreated. There is hope, though; you can get into a treatment program and start your recovery as soon as today and start a new chapter in your life. Call us now, and we can discuss options available to you in the state of Louisiana or other areas of the country. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment program that will work with everyone. It is always a good idea to be as informed as possible before deciding on a treatment program. Our certified counsleors will help educate you as to the different treatment options available to you while helping you make an informed decision as to which program will work best for your given circumstances.
Please contact us by phone for immediate assistance. This is a necessary step in beginning the recovery process for yourself or for a loved one. Our addiction treatment specialists and staff have over 25 years of experience in helping people find effective and affordable treatment for all addictions. What you tell us is completely confidential. We are HIPAA compliant. We are here to answer your questions and to get you (or a loved one) into a 12 Step Drug Rehab Program today. For immediate intake, call us now.

What are the benefits of going to a 12-step program for addictions to drugs or alcohol?
Many types of addiction treatment centers in Louisiana offer the twelve-step approach with their established treatment format. Addiction treatment in a 12-step program can incorporate different types of therapy models, with the most common being Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Holistic treatment programs, Christian treatment programs, Secular programs, and outpatient therapy models. The length of the program can be important to consider. Some people can go to outpatient treatment for their addiction, while others may need a longer inpatient program. Inpatient drug rehab length is typically 28 days up to three months. This ensures the client has a handle on their recovery before going home to the outside pressures of life.The 12-step facilitation approach helps the individual acknowledge the fact that substance abuse is a disease of the mind and body and can affect your spiritual life. It believes that spiritual stagnation can be rooted in a self-serving lifestyle, especially when life does not go the way that the individual wants it to. The 12-step program is rooted in spiritual beliefs, but most groups do not promote their religious beliefs, which helps make the program more inclusive for those who do not believe in mainstream religions. The twelve-step programs in Louisiana and elsewhere in the United States are accessible to everyone, no matter what their spiritual beliefs are.
In a 12-step addiction treatment program in Louisiana, the patients learn critical life skills, like how to reach out for help, provide support for others, and learn how to rely on others. Sharing about yourself can be uncomfortable, but you will soon discover that others have experienced similar pitfalls and challenges. Working a 12-step treatment program can have a significant impact on a person’s recovery.

Insurance Accepted
If you are looking for a more private setting to ensure that your confidentiality remains private, the best solution is to go out of state for treatment. It is sometimes beneficial for the client to go to treatment further away from home. Getting away from temptations and friends who may still be using is often better for many people. Clients who go to rehab in another state also have a harder time leaving treatment early as well. The chances of running into someone you know are very low, ensuring your anonymity. Depending on the situation, our counselors may suggest looking for substance abuse programs that are a plane flight away. Private health insurance will typically cover most, if not all, of the cost of a 12-step rehab program in any state in the USA.Most insurance companies and policies will cover some of the rehab costs, including detox services and therapy. To find out if your private health insurance will pay for one of the treatment programs in your area, call us today. Private insurance is insurance you pay for or employer-sponsored coverage through your job, like Aetna, Cigna, or United Healthcare. If you have private insurance or insurance through your job, please give us a call, and we can help you find a 12-step program that will not only fit your needs but also your budget.

Twelve-step programs for alcohol abuse in Louisiana
Alcohol addiction is one of the hardest addictions to convince people to get help for. Alcohol is one of the most frequently used drugs in the country. Over 40% of Louisiana residents aged 12 and older have used alcohol. When someone is binge drinking, it can be challenging to get agreement for treatment as the person may not think they have a problem. If this is the case, you may want to consider hiring an interventionist to help with this process. This will ensure that the individual in question will have every opportunity to make the right decision for themself by going to the best Louisiana 12-step program for their addiction. Recovering from alcohol addiction is one of the hardest things to do, but twelve step programs can help with initial care and help with aftercare programs through NA or AA.12-step Recovery Meetings
12-step recovery meetings are great for family support. With Alanon, open AA meetings, open NA meetings, and other 12-step programs, families have a chance to take part in the recovery process. When the person who is suffering from a substance use disorder gets help, often the family does not know that there is support for them as well. Open meetings are open to non-addicts and offer a glimpse into the recovery process that would not happen without NA or AA. There is also Alanon, which is specifically designed to support families and help them achieve a level of understanding about the addiction process and pitfalls that can give them the tools to support their loved ones through the recovery process.Aftercare programs that work with the twelve-step programs for recovery in Louisiana include:
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Al-Anon (Family support)
Alateen (Teen support)
CA (Cocaine Anonymous)
DRA (Dual Recovery)
NA(Narcotics Anonymous)
Alcoholics Anonymous: Alcoholics Anonymous programs offer support and continued care through their meetings and mentorships. Finding the right AA meeting will help the individual feel open to sharing and accepting help when needed. When looking for an AA meeting in your area of Louisiana, it is important to try a few meetings. This allows the individual to find a group that makes them feel comfortable sharing and participating.
Al-Anon (Family support): The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.
Alateen (Teen support): Alateen is a support group for teenagers whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. It’s part of the Al-Anon Family Groups, which is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s substance use.
CA (Cocaine Anonymous): Cocaine Anonymous is a twelve-step program formed in 1982 for people who seek recovery from drug addiction. It is patterned very closely after Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), although the two groups are unaffiliated.
DRA (Dual Recovery): Dual Recovery Anonymous™ is an independent, nonprofessional, twelve-step, self-help membership organization for people with a dual diagnosis.
Narcotics Anonymous: Narcotics Anonymous is an alternative to the AA program, which was developed to help people who are trying to quit using illicit drugs or prescription medications. NA is the same program format as the AA program, with its focus on illicit drug addictions. NA meetings are there to help someone who has been using drugs through support, and Big Book work with a focus on drug addictions. Being able to share experiences and triggers that are specific to drug addiction can help the individual find coping mechanisms that have worked for others with the same problem.

How We Can Help
12-step rehab programs have been helping people in Louisiana recover from alcohol and other substances since the 1930s. The twelve-step program has helped millions of people overcome addiction. Do not wait until it is too late to enter treatment for an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Getting help is the first step in recovery. Start the journey with us, and we will help you make an informed decision as to which 12-step program is right for you. Call now to start the road to recovery today.1-800-513-5423

Our certified addiction specialists are here to answer any questions that you may have. Please call us toll-free today. We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Twelve Steps
Cocaine Anonymous
AA Effectiveness
Dual Recovery
Erik Epp – Content Author